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environment activated abilities


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These spells are all associated with a perk you get for beating the Shivering Isles Expansion:


SE14WeatherBuff1 Eyes in the Fog

SE14WeatherBuff2 Healing Rain

SE14WeatherBuff3 Storm's Fury

SE14WeatherBuff4 Snowblind

SE14WeatherBuff5 Torrent


I imagine that there are some mods that allow you to change the weather in Tamriel with a spell. I know that there are mods which change the base weather. You can also change the weather with console codes.


I haven't hear of mods like you are seeking, but there are probably scripting conditions which could be triggered by certain weather. Like an ability that caused a witch to start melting (taking damage to her health) if she was caught out in the rain.

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Having abilities or spells being dependent on weather is not always an easy thing. The main reason is because most of the scripting related to detecting weather is not always reliable, and can even be screwed up by the presence of most weather mods. Before even having an ability like that you would definitely need to spend quite a bit of time refining the scripting just to detect when that ability should be present. Depending on the situation, this may be easier said than done.
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