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1st Person Clipping issue w/ one handed weapons on custom armor mash-up


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So like the title says I'm working on an armor mash-up which uses the standard combat armor for a base, with some bits off an older mod I did, "C-51s "Razorback" Armor" (I should also note that the Razorback armor did NOT have any first person clipping issues at all.

With the exception of the Automatic Rifle (granted I haven't tried all the weapons) the clipping seems to only occur in first person when a pistol or the automatic rifle is being held. Also there is no clipping from what I can see when using a one handed melee weapon. These are the only times.

It looks as if it's a part of the armor however I can't be sure as I've never encountered this problem before.

I've included some screen shots from my photobucket account. The clipping occurs the worst with the automatic rifle, I've highlighted the clipping portions with red. In the second image with the pistol the clipping I captured in the pic is very minor compared to what happens in game. The clipping occurs in a couple other spots in addition to in the bottom right corner, however this is not shown in the pic, hence the red circles marking the approximate area the clipping occurs.

Cheers all....... thanks for any and all help/tips!



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