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Help with Papyrus


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Hello! I was hoping to ask for a little help writing a script (if it's possible).


It's a fairly simple script I want to make (I think).


I want to take user input (a string) and print it on screen. Ideally, this would be as subtitled text. I think that debug text might be easier, but the location and the length limit would be unpleasant.


Is it possible to just make a script that draws input from the developer console, and prints it as subtitles? Either on a timer, or even better, permanently, until toggled off or changed?


I've got a bit of programming experience, and modding experience, but with other games. I feel like it ought to be fairly simple, but...


Can anyone give me some suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated!




I thought I should add that I'm mostly asking for suggestions on which functions to use, and how likely it is that this'll work. I don't want you to think that I'm just begging for someone to make it for me.

Edited by pointthree
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I'm not sure how it would be done for subtitled text, but it seems possible.

Just to clarify - you're asking for the player to input text, and then have that text printed on the screen through the subtitles/upper left-hand corner?

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I'm not sure how it would be done for subtitled text, but it seems possible.

Just to clarify - you're asking for the player to input text, and then have that text printed on the screen through the subtitles/upper left-hand corner?

Yeah, that's exactly it. Text input -> Text print

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Hmmm. I'm thinking it might be possible to use a system similar to the name input at the beginning of the game, and then print the text that is put into a similar field. Short of that, you could try a system similar to the horse naming in Convenient Horse Herding.


I'm currently reinstalling all Skyrim/CK stuff, so I can't test it yet, but it should be possible.


It's less printing the text/getting the text the player typed that's an issue, and more creating a field where they can input the text.

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I'm also interested in getting player's imputed text, and also foolishly assumed it would be simple.

I like Matthiaswagg's idea a system similar to the one during chargen.

Edit: Sorry if the following is extremely naive. My experience in coding is in simple simulations/modelling, and I'm beginning to fear implementing this may actually be far, far outside my reach.

Is there a native function to call up the input message box used when showracemenu() is called? I can't find one anywhere, and using showracemune() as a work around is about as undesirable to me as using the letter by letter method of Convenient Horse Herding. I know TaiChiKid's Spell Crafting seems to track keystrokes so maybe, if the author'd be willing to explain that method, clever use of debug messages could stimulate an input box? Yet that would still not be ideal, and getting the method is a big 'if'.

The functionality must exist SOMEWHERE in Skyrim's code for the race menu to work, right? I don't suppose there's anyone out there who knows how to do this?

Edited by Doomsdayman
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Unfortunately, there's no papyrus function or CK object that can bring up a text input box. It is a rather obvious omission, but there have been various workarounds thought up over the years - button by button, capturing keystrokes in a book, through the console etc. my workaround involves using the SkyUI MCM menus to rename a button with each keystroke.


The supposedly proper and 'real' solution involves creating (using an external flash development tool) and coding a .swf object to display in game. Hopefully a modder's resource is coming along soon that will do just that. See here: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1501140-text-input-is-there-a-better-way/?hl=%2Btext&do=findComment&comment=23706204

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