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The Potential Hidden in Akavir


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That Would be the Basis of the cities since we Don't have much lore to go off, very Ancient china/Japan Big Pagodas and stuff and Sakura trees and proper water Lillies and stuff so that WIll be the Basis for most of it but with 'Snow Hell' Where the Kamal Live being a bit more Snowy. 'A Thousand Monkey Isles' Being More Deserty, Wherever the Tiger People Live being More Jungly and where the Tsaesci live would be more Ancient China. I do hope to add the 'New Perspective' you talk about and create a truly revolutionary Mod that feels like a DLC if not a Whole new Game/

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Here is something you could do...start doing all the planning now. Get quests, NPCs, weapons, dialogue, terrain, everything all planned out and written down with as much detail as possible, even voice actors and such. Then, when Elder Scrolls 6 comes out, you will be halfway done and only need to put it into action. Plus, the modding community with that will be booming right at the start, so you could pitch your idea to some hungry modders who want to start doing stuff.

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