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hey just looking for some help here


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I am mounting an iso *snip* not important, this guy doesn't deserve help, and can deal with his own problems or annoy the hell out of the place where he got said ISO file*snip*

if anyone needs to contact me [email protected]

it will be much faster that way as I won't see any response for a while, thank you in advance for your help


This site only offers help to people who actually buy their games and support the companies who release them. Pirates like yourself get banned and made subject to whatever penalty we feel like forcing upon you. For example, I've decided to leave your e-mail public and even edited it so that spam bots can make use of it. I'd be tempted to sign you up for some mailing lists, but feel that might be pushing things too far. Enjoy your spam, and please think twice before posting stuff like this.



Edited by Vagrant0
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