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Yet another crash problem

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I have Fallout 3 GOTY edition with all the DLCs ofc, and I installed the following mods:





Enhanced Weather

Enhanced Night


I made sure that all the mods are working with eachother and with DLCs.


I was doing the Guidebook quest thing from... Moira? I can't exactly remember her name. I was doing the one where you have to go to the RobCo (again I'm bad with names) and I did it, went back, but it was a little late, Craterside Supply was closed so I had to wait a little while. I did so. As soon as the waiting screen thing was gone, the game crashed. I tried a few more times, to no success. Then I said "Alright game, if you want to play that way.", so I decided to go to my home, and slept there. For the same amount of time. No crash. I went outside. Crash. I tried to load my save. Crash. I could load an earlier save but that is a lot of lost time.


EDIT: I forgot to mention, I also crashed when I first fast traveled to back to Megaton, but that fixed itself after a retry.

Edited by TheDimitrijSquirrel
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