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Download Page Broken?


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I'll first start off by saying I haven't used the Nexus site in awhile and the forums have changed a bit so I'm not sure where this belongs. I stopped using the website around Skyrim's release to await news mods. Now I've come back and I seem to be unable to both log in, or use the main site where you download the mods and such. In fact, I can't even log in, and clicking anything take me to the top of the page with the url changing slightly, but no change to the actual site.

For example. I'll go to, say, download the mod RaceCompatibility for Skyrim [http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24168/] upon clicking "files" I will be redirected to [http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24168/?#] note the question mark and pound symbol that have been added, not sure if it means anything though.

Attempting to log in will also not work, as if the buttons are not working at all. The forums are fine but the main site just refuses to work for me. I can, however, search files, move through the database of mod pages, images, videos, go to the wiki, forums, and chat from the main site, and I can also go to the news page, but the buttons such as comments, files, mirrors, changing the network and such are not working and I am at a lost.

I attempted to the use the sites Skyrim Neuxs and Oblivion Nexus on the following browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chrome [none of which worked. Cookies enabled, browsers configured, date and time set right, ect ect]

I don't know if this a issue that is known or not, like I said I haven't used the site in a while so I'm not at all positive, although I tried looking around the forums for a solution to no avail.


~Sincerely ShadowOfDoom

Edited by Shadow Of Doom
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You don't say what method you used to try to download - Download (NMM) or Download (manual)


NMM REQUIRES having NMM first - and the NMM has changed quite a bit since it was first introduced not long after Skyrim came out. If you use that method, You will have to remove any old version of NMM first, then install the latest version - as the older versions cannot be upgraded through the NMM program.


As for manual - that has not changed and is still the same as it was 2 years - or 10 years ago.

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It seems that was the problem


Have you got anything blocking Javascript? maybe something like NoScript.

It seems that might've been the problem. I don't have anything like that but my anti-virus system is blocking the website out the wazoo without notifying me and won't let it run at all, but adding an exception worked and it runs now. I probably shouldn't be concerned it was being blocked at all and it was just an error in the software, right?

Edited by Shadow Of Doom
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