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TES CS crashing whenever i edit face...


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So, I started playing Oblivion again, haven't in a few years, and I made sure to go ahead and look for all my favorite old mods and of course download the TES construction set, because I don't like Vanilla. Anyway, I start up the set and start tweaking my own little esp file with all my favorite play settings and etc, and i get to the point where I'm creating the NPC companion i always play with. Everything goes fine up until the point i try to edit the face... it opens up the tab in the NPC menu, but doesn't show me a preview. When i click any of the buttons on the face menu (such as age, or hair color) TES CS crashes. Naturally, i just thought it was one of the .esp's or .esm's i had enabled, or one of the replacer textures/meshes in my oblivion folder. So i unistal everything, reinstall just oblivion, not even official DLC, re-install TES CS and open up just oblivion.esm. Still crashes, the exact same way. =\


Bit disappointed in this, because now I can' edit any of the faces/hair of any NPC's. I'm running tes_construction_set_1.2.404 downloaded directly from the official site. My OS is windows 7, and i have tried running TES CS in compatibility mode for windows xp. My computer easily meets any and all of the graphic/cpu/video memory requirements, so it's not that. If anyone knows how i can fix this, or point me to where i can download an old version that is still compatible with a fully up to date and patched version of Oblivion, that''d be outstanding. Other then this, I've experienced no other errors. =\

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I've run into this as well.


The way that I've found to make it work is to open up the construction set and immediately go to edit the NPC faces. Then when I've got the face edited, I save it before trying to do anything else.


If you attempt to do something else before doing the face editing, the construction set will crash.

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Yes. I tried to do this, but it still crashes. =\


I even didn't even load so much as oblivion .esm, just opened TES CS, made a new NPC, went to the face tab, clicked a setting. Crashed.


And before someone says its just when i create a new NPC, no, its when i edit existing ones too. =\

I don't remember the CS crashing this much... sure, i got Oblivion to crash a lot, but the CS always worked fine for me and did whateve ri wanted it to do years ago. o..0

Anyone know a site where i can downgrade my CS and copy of Oblivion to like 2 years ago? >..>

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im having this problem now too, before, sometimes it would only crash trying to edit an npc, now its every time, i open the npc to edit and try to go to face edit and it crasheseven with just the oblivion.esm i think i saw a fix that adds slioders to the npc edit but im not sure if it would fix this too, but i didnt download it and cant find it again but anyway, any help on this would be very thankfull



the preview box is always checked and i cant uncheck it

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If you're using Windows 7, it's a known bug. The way to get around it is to bring the character up in the full body preview before going to the face tab.



just checked to see if it helped me out and YES it did, so it also works on vista, thank you



If you're using Windows 7, it's a known bug


Vista here...and i get that to..i can do everything else with the cs except that... :ermm:



just create new npc/edit so it opens to edit, but before you do anything look down to the lower right, kinda in the center, it will have 2 checkboxes, check the full before you do anything and after that it updates for you.and you can edit the face with a preview

i hope that is understandable. im not good at explaining things

Edited by juggalo83
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ok, i loaded the cs up..went to make an npc, i clicked the Preview tab before doing anything. it says Updating in the side bar there...and has been like that for half hour now...i went and got timmies coffee and it still says updating..if i try to click anywhere on screen all it does is make a ding sound. if i ctrl/alt/del to check on status of program, i says its still running.... :confused:


never mind...i figured out what i did, it works now :thumbsup:

Edited by Daynox
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