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Weapons from American McGee's Alice


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Just beat this game the other day, and I really liked the arsenal of weapons available. I know there's a mod for the weapons from Madness Returns, but that's not what I'm after.

I have some ideas on how to make them work.


The Vorpal Blade: A dagger, plain and simple. But when you use a power attack, you throw it were you are aiming. The range should be limited so you won't have much trouble finding it again. Unless you actually can make it work so it respawns in your inventory after a few seconds, though that's probably a lot harder.


The Playing Cards: A destruction spell, that works a bit differently. Just by clicking your mouse, you fire a card immediately, requiring no charge and allowing for rapid fire. The cost for one card is really low, but the power of course isn't much to brag about either. If you dual cast it, you charge it up as you would any other spell and can aim it a bit, and you fire the multiple cards which is the secondary attack in the game. This is also considerably stronger.

If you can get them to home in on hostiles near the line of fire, that'd be great, but not nescessary.


The Croquet Mallet: A lightning enchanted mace/warhammer (a bit faster to swing, perhaps?), that shoots a ricocheting ball with every power attack. The ball part might be tricky, I understand that.


The Jackbomb: This would probably be a scroll type weapon, much like the spiders from the Dragonborn DLC. The easiest way is probably to include two types of "scrolls", one for the immediate explosion, and the other for the fire trap followed by the explosion.


The Jacks: Not sure about this one, maybe a scroll type again?


The Demon Dice: Again, either scrolls or conjuration spells, either way in three different levels. If spells, one dice would be apprentice, two would be adept, and three would be expert. This could be the hardest part, with the new added summons, and I can't think of any fitting existing skeletons. Feel free to skip this.


The Ice Wand, Jabberwock's Eye Staff, and the Blunderbuss: Staves, obviously. A frostbite spray that can freeze your target solid given time. A powerful beam (long charge time), followed by a powerful missile when you stop casting. And a cannonball that uses up your entire staff charge in one shot, but is immensely powerful.


The Deadtime Watch: An incredibly rare "scroll", or a master class illusion or alteration spell. It stops time for 20 seconds (maybe?), and you can of course move freely and attack anything without interference.


How's the idea?

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  • 6 months later...

This is an EXCELLENT idea! Since no one here will make it, I might when I get more modding experience. I just LOVE that game; it's a true MASTERPIECE! :)

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I'd completely given up on this, and I kinda just wrote these suggestions while I was still in the mindset of the game. But if you'd do it, I would use it and endorse it.


The enchantments and spell effects and whatnot will be tricky, and would require a modder who knows his work. But you also need to make the meshes and textures for everything, can you do that?

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