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Music mod request


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So I was thinking..

Why can't I play my own music through the radio in fallout.


Wouldn't it be fun if you could bring all your music into the game, listen to the songs you love and have 3-Dog say something awesome like he always does in between the songs?


Then later I had an another idea.

What if you could bring your own music to the game, and the mod would turn the .mp3 tracks into one of those audio message cartridges that can be found around the Fallout world.

Then it would scatter the cartridges across the whole map for you to find.


I myself love exploring and music. And I am sure most of you love it too. So I think it would be infinitely awesome to search for your favorite music tracks while exploring.

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Yes I was already aware that there were audio players but why should I install a mod that has bugs and may not work when I can just listen to the songs with a normal media player in the background.


And Nadin, if you could make a mod like that, I would be forever greatful. :smile:

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EEP!!!!!!! I just saw your post after making a similar request...(rolls Eyes) Gah... oh well maybe if we both request... someone will decide it's imperative to do it.. LOL... guess kudos are yours.. you posted first.. :teehee:
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Thanks Kitty. even if you're an evil one.. LOL.. I can't even play Fallout as an evil person.. I tried.. and I keep falling back into sweetness. Anyways.. trying my newly downloaded player.. gonna add some songs and see how it goes.
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