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Try This. Its Cool.

Bolgo The Madd

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Traps get set off by any object in physics.


next time you see a preasure plate through an apple at it.

The traps will go off.... sweet.

Hey, time it to kill some baddies.... double sweet.



Finally a use for all those spare iron maces you find.

I like to trip the trappy trip-wire....




glut glut



Bolgo The Madd

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yeah, poping the wire with a bow is an idea I had had, but haven't managed it yet, the best way I seem to have found to set them off is to release a load of cxaried items near the wire, as none of my characters is high enough level in summoning type stuff to summon creatures to wander through them with wasted scrolls or tomes.
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I love traps :D I even use triggered traps to kill enemies! I just go swing with those balls with sharp points up against the enemies, although you have to hit hard and many times before they die :D
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i useually jump over tripwires, get an enemy to follow me, jump back over the wire and let the creature set off the trap in its pursuit. sometimes i try to set it off with an object but my aim while tossing things with the grab key is pretty poor
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  • 3 weeks later...
I use a bow for the pressure plates, but haven't been able to successfully shoot a trip wire yet. I'm lousy at jumping over them too (only managed it once), so I generally try to lure a mob into it. Other than that, I take my whacks and heal up.
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