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The Amazing Non Responsive Jump Keyy


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ROFLS I'm including a gun cleaning kit in my mod for just this reason! Great minds think a like :teehee:
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When on a 360 you need to remember the game has been programmed/optimized to run for the 360 hardware specifically. If i member correctly the 360 is actually capped at 30 fps or 50 so you wont go above or much below that line. So if you get less then that on your computer then perhaps it is, but comparing the 360 version and the PC version is really like comparing apples and oranges even though the 360 practically is just a computer console. Each has been optimized differently.
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Ahh, well. I didnt know that :teehee:


I used to be able to fire faster on my PC version. But after installing MMM, it stopped being to responsive, and its getting annoying. :confused:


It is! Especially when those pesky Mirelurks are closing in and you need a couple of CLEAN shots to the face.

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You know, I've also had this glitch. It's been a while, but as I recall firing once in VATS fixes it.


I've had it for about 2 weeks now... Hopefully, ittle just go away. :sweat:


Edit - Hmm, ive just realised ive threadjacked this thread. :blush:

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Well, the reason why MY gun won't fire when I click the mousr-button is because of Lag. I admit, my Frame Rate drops sometimes, but often in a fire-fight, the game seems to be running without lag, and the gun still won't fire, and believe me: The gun CAN fire faster. ...

This may be a special feature for those who want added realism in their game... the jammed weapon! Virtual dirt could be slowing your rate of fire. Time to use a solvent, rag and oil kit to maintain it.

Actually there is a jam and clear function in FO3, you'll only get it when your weapon is in bad repair ie about 20%, it varies between guns, generally it replays the cocking part ot the reload animation.



however I've found that the animation sequence and fire rate are very closely linked, I discovered this when trying to speed up the combat shotgun ROF in GECK, the problem seems to be that the combat shotgun does not fire on the first frame of the animation, so what happens is that it keeps looping the first few frames and never gets to the frame where it actually fires, so you end up just waggling the gun around and not fireing.

If your system is frame skipping or the animation is somehow getting out of sync then you may not be fireing because the animation is not playing the actual fireing frame of the animation at the correct time.

You can make a simple mod to fix this, all you need to do is change the combat shotgun, change the " Hand Grip " to " DEFAULT ", the " Attack Anim " to " AttackLoop " and the " Animation Type " to " TwoHandAutomatic ", this will change the fireing animation to the that of the G3 assault rifle, it will not increase the actual rate of fire just use the shorter and fewer frame count animation so you should lose this droped/out of sync issue, as the animation is far more responsive.

Note: this also needs to be done if you want to make the combat shotgun fully automatic.

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Fallout3's weapon fire rates are reliant upon the animations being performed, so that they can remain in sync. The tradeoff is that low FPS causes animations to slow down, causing responsiveness and fire rates to crawl, or even become unresponsive, ie. clicking between frames does not register.


Most games critical gameplay functions do not rely upon the game graphics, they are the opposite of Fo3. Characters actions are purely data driven, not throttled by animations.


You can see an example of this in a weapons properties, in the Art and Sound tabs, the speed of the Animation actually increases/decreases the rate of fire, reload speeds etc. This system ensures (kinda) synced animations, but its pretty lame when you get alot of lag.


To prove it just go into the Vault13 tunnel, look at the wall while holding F (so your camera views your avatar, with the wall behind him) and fire a fully automatic weapon. Notice the framerate will be super fast, because the cell is practically empty.

Now, turn your camera so that the hallway extends downward in your view, behind your character. Continue holding the trigger and watch as the fire-rate is throttled to keep in sync with your framerate.

*note: this test might not be noticeable on high-end machines



The unresponsive jump key is partially due to this forced-sync with framerates, but also due to bad tuning on the mechanics.


When programming gameplay mechanics of an avatar its alot of trial and error, and tons of iteration, usually resulting in basic mechanics breaking all over again just from simple revisions, requiring bugfixes and all kinds of significant bandaid programming. (if your tech is inhouse and/or in development)


Alot of games do not register certain keypresses at certain times, for example in MW2 while sprinting you cannot reload your weapon, since sprinting blocks the reload button. However, reloading is interrupted by sprinting, taking priority.

In a similar fashion, Fo3's jump function is at the bottom of the barrel and seems to be last in priority when the game is calculating player movement and actions as well as monitoring the framerates to keep everything in sync.


sometimes keypresses just 'fall thru the cracks' between frames, but is most noticeable during graphical slowdown.

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it will not increase the actual rate of fire just use the shorter and fewer frame count animation so you should lose this droped/out of sync issue, as the animation is far more responsive.

Note: this also needs to be done if you want to make the combat shotgun fully automatic.


Ok! Do you think you can do these small alternations and perhaps make a mod out of it? A mod that skip the first frames of the animation of all weapons fired (small handgun, big handgun, rifle, shotgun, big guns etc.). This way, when I press the mouse-button, and even if there is a slight lag, I might be able to fire off a round.


This would be really appreciated :)


EDIT: I'm not much of a modder, that is why I aske you to do it, who clearly is a professional, and knows what to do.

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