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feeling pretty down...


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Hey there lounge... I just got home from getting some pizza to find out that my best friend for as long as I can remember is going away. I've had my ring neck dove Bugsy for years now, and my dad arranged a new home for him due to the fact that he is selling the house. I... dont know what to do. My mom wont take him and i doubt whever I end up will take him. Ive got him for a few more hours probably. Been trying not to cry, but it isnt working. I'm losing my best friend... the friend who never hurt me, always cared for me, always made me smile, never once thought ill of me... i don't know if i will even be able to visit him.


any kind words would be appreceated, im a wreck

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Loss is the most difficult of realities one must accept about life.I've lost many loved ones in my life,both human and non, but i am consoled by their memories.In my mind they never die,they never leave, they're always present,they become an aspect of my being and they have all enriched me.Just remember,you can't experience life fully without loss and eventually acceptance of loss brings understanding and wisdom.

Edited by gandalftw
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Turn your frown upside-down! It never rains everyday and clouds come and go, but blue skies remain. Also, endless sunshine makes a desert, so the Arabs say. I hope you feel better, I have many wounds from missing friends but I've learnt the pain associated with them may not truly be pain at all.

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