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Game keeps freezing


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Hopefully someone here can help, as I've looked at all sorts of other posts describing similar problems and none of them have helped. Not very long ago I got a new computer with Windows 7, a Intel Core i3 dual-core 2.93 GHz processor, 4 GB memory, and a 1GB ATI Radeon HD 5450 video card. And not very long after I got my computer I went and bought Fallout 3 GOTY. However after installing it, it has continued to regularly freeze on me. Ironically, the first time I tried to play, before trying anything to fix the matter, was the time I got the farthest without a crash. I was able to sit through the beginning movie, the whole baby sequence, taking my time adjusting my characters appearance and all that, all the way through the short one year old sequence, and well into the 10th birthday party. It crashed the first time right after 'dad' tells you that Jonas had something for you and turned to start out the door. Music still plays and all that, but everything freezes.


Since then, I've tried everything I could find on forums about fixing similar problems. I've changed the compatability settings of the game, tried the ini editing even though my processor again is a dual-core anyway, installed both the latest patch and the unofficial patch, tried adjusting the graphics setting, disabled .Net, looked into the sound errors, reinstalled a couple times (and outside of the program files folder), and I believe one or two other things but nothing has worked. In fact, its only gotten worse. Now it usually freezes like that soon after the one year old stage starts, once or twice its even froze while still in the birth sequence.


I'm not sure what to do anymore, and Im fairly certain at this point that its not a processor or video card overheating matter or anything like that. I also have Oblivion, and I installed it. Oblivion has pretty much the same requirements, its the same engine, all of that, and I have it on ultra high graphics settings and I've been able to play it for hours without a single crash. It hasn't crashed or froze period since I've started playing it. So, yeah. if anyone has any other suggestions, please let me know.

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first thing that comes to mind . . .


New computer with Uber video card


maybe the PSU is not sufficient to power the card


or a simple case of the extra power cord is not connected properly (to the vid card) - juggled in transport

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first thing that comes to mind . . .


New computer with Uber video card


maybe the PSU is not sufficient to power the card


or a simple case of the extra power cord is not connected properly (to the vid card) - juggled in transport


I dont know, but also note what I said toward the end of my first post. I also have Oblivion, which runs basically the same engine as Fallout 3, and has basically the same system requirements, though it doesnt require quite as much memory, but whatever the case, i've installed and played Oblivion on the 'ultra high' graphics setting for hours without a single freeze or crash, or any other problem.

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first thing that comes to mind . . .


New computer with Uber video card


maybe the PSU is not sufficient to power the card


or a simple case of the extra power cord is not connected properly (to the vid card) - juggled in transport


I dont know, but also note what I said toward the end of my first post. I also have Oblivion, which runs basically the same engine as Fallout 3, and has basically the same system requirements, though it doesnt require quite as much memory, but whatever the case, i've installed and played Oblivion on the 'ultra high' graphics setting for hours without a single freeze or crash, or any other problem.


I think that applies to consoles as well. Oblivion runs much better than Fo3 even on the ps3.

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