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Simple armor display room


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I recently got immersive armors, and I am collecting all of the sets of armors in that mod.
My problem is that I would love to store them all on mannequins but there is nowhere in skyrim where I can store all of them in the same place. Can anybody make a simple room where i can store 70+ mannequins? Nothing other than that, just a quick, compact and simple armor room. And if its not to hard can you make it accessible through a spell?

Edited by KombatW0mbat
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There are about 60 different armors in immersive armors, plus all of the default armors, so 70 is kinda needed.

I have a good computer, so it should be fine.

Unless my computer is not the issue, forgive my ignorance if that is the case :P

Edited by KombatW0mbat
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Lol, mannequins are creepy themselves...


I'm not so sure how it'd handle actually. If the room is bare bones, just floor, walls, ceiling, lighting and mannequins. Made in a circle so you don't see them all at once. I think that part would handle well enough. (my PC gets 60fps just about anywhere, and if I spawn in 70 bandits, it drops to 20-30fps)


Idk how the game engine would handle 70 actors wearing 70 individual armor sets.

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