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Reducing load time


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So after playing the game for a while it seems that the time it takes to load the game is getting longer and longer. From desktop to loading a save game, it takes at least 5 minutes to load. This by itself would not be much of an issue but my game also crashes extremely frequently. Anyway that i can reduce the amount of time it takes to load short of reinstalling the game/making a new char?
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Whoa, 5 minutes. What's quite a lot, dude :D


Some questions:

Do you have mods?

What are your system specs?

How large is one of your savegame?

What's with 3rd party programs?

Is there a lot of programs running in the background?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ive been having the same problem with my level 25 character. I assumed it was just because of how many mods iI had installed until just now I started a new character to test something and it loaded instantly. Just to check I loaded up several saves from the first character and shure enough, the longer I had been playing the longer it took to load the save up to my current save which takes around 7 minutes to load up. The save game file seems to be almost double a fresh character save but it's still only 9 megs.

Oh, quad core at 2.6, 4 gigs ddr3, gtx 285all that, shouldnt be a hardware issue and like I said a fresh game loads instantly. Any help would be great.

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Wracking my brain to think what's different this time around and the one thing i can think of is I'm using khets alternate start roleplayers mod, playing as an escaped slave it adds a non removable slave collar, cold that be what's causing the issue? I'm not at that computer atm so can't access my load order. thanks
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