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Nope. Ride-able brahmin is fine. There's a mod that does that, I've been trying to track it down for a while. It'll need to be edited, but it should work.


And malikin, could you better describe the med kit? And perhaps the tool kit could function not by increasing you skill but increasing the chance of success when forcing the lock.


I've also now got a modeler, so...so to speak "Anything goes". :tongue:

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The one thing I want seems so simple. I use SCC alot and I want to be able to talk to and recruit captives and runaway slaves. Neither captives nor slaves encountered with slavers in the Wasteland will give the friend prompt.


Whether you do it with or without SCC, it would make my game.


A less important idea would be a a remake of the motorcycle as an antigrave vehicle.


Actually the J3X motorcycle is one of the most fun mods ever, but not practical because the collision area around the vehicle is too large.

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Ok. Well I will lay on my ideas in a more detailed light.


Med Kit:

The basic item purchased or found gives a small bonus to medicine skill. When the player picks up the first set of tweezers a window opens up and asks if the items wants to be added to the med kit. If yes, the item and the med kit vanish from the inventory and is replaced with a new med kit with a better bonus. The same goes with the other medical tools that can often be found.

Originally I thought to ask for an item that acts like the ammo reload kit or an item that has a limited number of uses. But then again, we do not use a pair of scissors once and then discard. The ammo reload kit keeps track of the number or round you fire and lets you reuse the casings to make more bullets. So it is dropped, activated, used up, and then I have to go buy more.

I think that having the kit on hand, once upgraded with more medical items, would be beneficial to the character and thus allow a bonus towards the medicine skill.


Tool Kit:

There is actually more to my idea than a simple inventory item that boosts the repair skill. The lockpicking idea is sort of a side thought, although I like your idea of the bonus to forcing the lock. The other part of the kit was some sort of wearable device that helps with lockpick and repair. Perhaps even medicine. I use magnifiers for lots of things. I was wondering, what about glasses that give bonuses. The modeling idea came about with the thought of a pair of flip down magnifiers that wear like a visor. But a simple pair of glasses would do. I keep a pair of prescription safety glasses in my main tool kit. I break them out to do work with my dremel and other power tools. Well, in Fallout, I bet a pair of magnification glasses or some other device would be valuable.

The idea was for the glasses and the inventory kits to work together.


Also have you seen this yet: Fallout Food

I have not heard from Coleen in a while about some updates for the mod. But integration into another, bigger mod would be cool, if Coleen was ok with it. I would love ot know how to help work on the mod, but that is way beyond me.



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what about a hypnosis weapon? Perhaps it uses similar technology to the mesmetron, only more advanced, or it could be chemical in nature (via a dart gun). A successful hit causes paralysis for 5-10 seconds, then the NPC turns friendly to the player. Depending on the limb hit, decreases length of paralysis and/or increases length of hypnosis (arms/legs grant lowest benefit, torso average, head the best). Very powerful, especially in stealth situatoins (the dartgun is silent isn't it?) so it'd have to cost a lot, require a long quest to obtain, or be limited in weapon mechanics (ammunition/RoF/projectile speed)



Packrat: for every stack of items, the weight is nullified up to .5 per pound (good balance for FWE). For vanilla, all items have their weight reduced by .5, min of zero (since there are fewer items with fractional weight). Well, in general the idea is the more items you get, the more you get out of the perk. Probably be a pain to code though, sorry.


Quick fingers: reload/weapon switching time reduced by 1/2. Might mess up animations, but that's not a big deal, I hope.


Gun Nut 2.0: All small guns receive +33% max health. Rather than boosting your skillpionts, it benefits repair by increasing the overall durability and increases damage simply because higher health weapons will function better.


Size Matters: You receive a flat -12% penalty to damage for all guns (possibly melee too? though not unarmed weapons). For every pound that your weapon weighs, you gain +1.5% damage. The break even point is 8 lbs.. (You might possibly wish to change the +% damage to logarithmic rather than linear for balance.) Also, I figure the break even point of 8 lb means you can use rifles with very little penalty and you'll have substantial but not super overpowered bonuses for the larger guns (+18% at most with a 20 lb weapon). Exact numbers will have to be rebalanced depending on the overhaul mod you're using. Much more interesting than flat skill increase, more benefits to a player that maxes out big guns anyway.


[sidenote: pretty much I think all the vanilla +skill perks need revamping, although in such a way that they still have their original purpose. +skill point is boring, useless in vanilla (in the end you get everything to 100), and has no-long term potential. They're just bad. Furthermore, since i use FWE, tagging skills also doubles your skill investment in that skill. Of course, this doesn't apply to perks. Paradoxically, then, the "optimal" path is not to take perks in skills you specialize in and have tagged, meaning my big guns character won't ever get Size Matters (unless I don't tag big guns, which might be worth it in this case even if it's my primary skill).]


Warmonger: You naturally spread conflict and discord wherever you go. Every hit you deliver or take, the victim/attacker has a 33% chance of frenzying. (so much better than the worthless schematics bonus)


Multitasker: you're excellent at quickly switching your focus from one task to another. Whenever you switch weapons, you receive +15% damage (nonstackable) for 5 seconds. This would be pretty fun I think, you'll be constantly switching weapons to keep the damage bonus. Encourages a player to carry, and use, a variety of weapons.


Acidic Blood: The Wasteland has mutated you in unique ways! When damaged, your blood sprays around you. Range of blood spray depends on how much damage was dealt -> if you're (un)lucky enough to get criticalled, you can easily hit even medium distance enemies in a gun fight. Damage dealt + a 66% chance of stunning for 2 seconds to all that are hit. (acid in the eyes, anyone?) Very useful for melees, those fighting melees, or just being surrounded in general. Imo, there aren't enough rambo-style perks. This would make sprinting into raider bases fun ^_^. Altho I guess the "range based on damage taken" would not be very practical to code...


Spartan: No, not the ones from 300. You live a very harsh life and care little about the finer things in life, choosing to instead focus on more immediately practical matters. +10% DR, +10% damage with all weapons. Barter -20. Chance of finding caps and other valuable trinkets reduced DRAMATICALLY (opposite of fortune finder, but on a more major scale). Req: level 20. I'm always hearing complaints about how people have too much money in the ende game. This perk is pretty strong, but when compared to grim reaper's sprint...


No weaknesses: enemies have 25% less chance to critical on you and their criticals deal 50% less damage. (the original broken steel perk is absolutely useless. and the name fits)


Better criticals (variation!): Every time you score a critical hit, you have % chance, equal to your critical % chance, to double (only) the critical damage. If the chance succeeds, you have another % chance equal to your critical chance x2 to further add critical damage. Caps at 3x crit damage.

I actually like better criticals as is, but it could be reworked to be more interesting. Or you could use both, there's no reason they wouldn't be able to stack, besides balance issues.


Magnetic field: some strange mutation has made your magnetic field exceptionally strong, for a human. Small objects like bullets have a chance of being flung back at their shooters. (it'd make sense for it to affect YOU as well, but that'd suck, so I'm thinking no.) Upon hit, there is a 20% chance to get 100% damage reflection for that attack. (Is damage reflectoin still possible in fo3, as it was in oblivion? eh..)


Chivalrous: Your honor gives you perseverance! +10% DR, +2/sec AP regen. However, if you ever commit an evil act, you lose the effect of Chivalrous until you gain karma equal to or more than the loss. Req: good karma only.


Intimidating reputation: People miles around know you for your relentless slaughtering. And though they try not to show it, they're fairly impressed - or scared. Every kill you get adds a bonus to your barter/speech skills, within a 24 hour timeframe. Max of +25. Nongood karma only

animals = .25

robots = .5

ferals = .5

humans = 1

SM = 1.25


if this is too complicated, just make it count only humans/SMs for 1 each. Anyway, the bonuses are independent of each other, so if you kill one person every hour, the bonus will decrease by 1 once 24 hours is up for the first death, and so on. Now that I look at it, the numbers are pretty imbalanced haha but do whatever you want with it.


Cyborg: you are part robot! you can partially integrate with your energy weaponry for greater effectiveness. First rank: increased projectile speed, +4% RR/DR. Second rank: decreased min spread, +7% RR/DR. Third rank: slightly faster RoF, +10% RR/DR. Furthermore, you gain the ability (Overcharge? I suck at names) to power your weapons through your own energy rather than through ammunition. While active, you lose no ammunition (would it be possible to use the godmode infinite ammo aspect, without the invulnerability?) This ability drains AP, much like bullet time or sprinting. AP cost decreases slightly per rank. Also, because of temporary complete integration, your weapon receives further bonuses. At second rank, min spread is reduced even more while using Overcharge. At third rank, RoF is increased even more while using Overcharge. Crit chance is also increased by 8/12/16%.


Ride the Shockwave: Hollywood has great survival tips. So long as you are not touching the ground, you receive no damage from explosions, but are propelled with twice the force away from it. a high requirement would be necessary for balance (80 expl and 10 agil?). however, I don't think it's very game breaking since explosives aren't used too often. When it's most dangerous, with missiles, it's also harder to time right.


the following perks are suggestions of krimzin and I take no credit for them. I merely thought they were somewhat interesting. my comments are in ( )

Hellfire- as long as you maintain very evil karma, you do fire damage with unarmed attacks. (karma needs to play a larger role in this game)

Stoner- When addicted to a chem, that chem is double effective. (addiction is a joke right now. You can avoid the penatlies so long as you are actually using the chem, plus curing the addiction costs a ridiculously low amount of money, and everyone has lots money in this game.)

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Well, that is just it. I was hoping that You would have a good idea about what effects it should and could have. Sorry, but I am not a modder, so I am not sure what can be done Also, along with not being a modder, I am not sure what would be best. Would the med kit increase by one to a ma of 5? Should the tool kit be a +2 or more...? I am not sure. I figured that since you are the creator of the mod, and I am just throwing out ideas.. you would be the one making the decision as to how it should fit in to your mod. I probably should have gone over that earlier.


So lets discuss. I figured small objects would give smaller bonuses. Perhaps the items need to have a script attached, to track number of uses, making them eventually break. Then perhaps more can be purchased. What about making them a variety of levels, a small, medium, and a large tool kit. Perhaps the med kit grows in size as well, incomplete to complete med kit. The glasses would need to be repaired.


Personally I am interested in what you think the values should be. What is your opinion please?



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My opinion is that your idea sounds like tailor mod with added effects.


A pretty good idea, for all that. I'll see what I can do.


@Burbinator, I like most of those ideas. They'll require heavy scripting, but I'll do my best. I particularly like the "Cyborg" perk.


The mod will be bringing back traits, after a fashion. You'll pick 10 traits in place of SPECIAL, which will be randomly generated.


One of my favorites is called "Korsakovian". It goes as follows:


It turns out you were right all along--the world HAS ended!

You prior experience with the apocalypse increases all resistances by 50%, but your crazy demeanor puts your social skills and charisma and 1, while all your raving has caused you to lose intelligence and perception.

You sure are a lucky one, though.



And I hate to break it to you, but this mod and FWE are incompatible. They alter different things in opposing ways, and have to much duplicate content, such as bullettime.

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Burbinator... Ride the Shockwave with a mininuke? WOOOOOOHEEEE!


Anyway, the things I want are:


- Animated food and drink. You eat slower, but gain more health, because you are taking time to chew and swallow it. Also makes food more valuable, since over a period of time, it can heal a lot. And for drinks, well, maybe if you drink Nuka-Cola a bit slower, you'll get a bit of AP? Oh, and drinking alcohol wouldn't be as bad, as you are drinking it more slowly.


- Ghoul Mafia. Or something like that. Shouldn't be that hard to do, seeing as all you need is Ghouls with suits and a new faction. Although you do need Tommy Guns.


- Jetpack. Not really, although if it is possible, I would love to see it.


- Caravan. Not a traders caravan, but one on wheels being pulled by a brahmin. That would be great. Possibly bed and containers inside, although that might be a bit much.


- Cooking. There are various cooking mods, but I just want to have one where you can cook with an oven and pilot light.


If I have anymore ideas, I'll let you know.

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I don't think animated food and drink is going to happen. If someone does it, I'll put it in, but it's not worth the time it would take to make such a thing.


There won't be a ghoul mafia, but the organization you join when you take the contract killer perk will be more mafia-like.


There's a script for a jetpack. Not done by me, though, but I might ask for it anyway.


The caravan is actually a really good idea. I'm going to try and make that. Kudos.


I wasn't going to be putting in a cooking mod, but enough people seem to want it that I just might do it anyway. After most of the rest is done, that is.

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