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I'll see what I can do with the captives. Shouldn't be terribly hard.

A lot more of the useless clutter can be built into weapons.

And he's right, there's no porn in this mod.



I've been trying to do it myself, but I suck. The other one is the slaves you meet in the wasteland. I can't rescue and befriend them either. They just run and die. So sad.

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Ok, I have another idea. This one revolves around the character's state in the very beginning. Ok, let me give you the setting.


You have just entered Megaton. This is near minutes after getting out of Vault 101, and now you are seeking safe haven. You make your way to Moria's.

She takes you on as an assistant. NOW: She gives you a key and she lets you use a bed and a locker. Now you are her assistant and as long as you need it, the place to crash is there.


The other idea revolves around tin cans and empty bottles. Or just about anything that can be stolen. Instead I would like to see empty bottles and tin can free to take everywhere. It is trash. I use em to fix things, make everglow, and sell.

Along with that, why not make it so you can chose: steal or transfer a minute amount of caps for things. I want a item on 3 Dog's table. I can either steal it.. or slide him some caps. It would be a quest that runs in the background. Perhaps even a Barter perk that enables you to do this. The transfer does not need to be voices or even scripted into a chat. It could just happen.


This way the evil characters can continue to steal, and us more tuned to be good guys can compensate for stuff we want to take.



Well, let me know what you think please.


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The research assistant is actually a rather good idea. I hadn't thought of that, but I'll be sure to include it, as well as some supplies or something.


I also like the idea of the barter perk allowing you to trade caps for items. I'll be sure to see if I can do that.

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Ok just a idea have riot shield it would go perfect with riot gear and if its possible to block bullits and a few other things but it have a shove attack note it would be only for melee and thus not a two handed wep or just as a prop like glove to be worn that can only be used with pistol


so recap

first if it is possible to make a riot shield that would do nothing but look cool with a pistol or baton so make it in like a glove


second if first is not possible just a riot shield that you can shove thats all no dueling just like in modern warfare

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Hi There !

I've got a few ideas that I think can be added to the game-:


1- Quest/Perk- In the side quest 'Those' after resolving the Grayditch Fire-ant problem, you have the option of either letting Bryan Wilks stay in Grayditch or taking him to Vera in Rivet City. When I first played this quest, I thought there should be an option for the lone wanderer to adopt this kid. This could be an alternative way of getting the 'Child at Heart' perk. Poor Bryan has lost his parents, who better than the lone wanderer to be his guardian.


2-Vehicles- Sick and tired of seeing the same vehicles scattered around the wasteland. Maybe a few more could be added. Not the likes of military vehicles but vehicles in general For instance- Convertibles,Scooters,Tramcars,Bicycles,Tractors or maybe some Construction machinery- Bulldozers, excavators, road rollers etc


3-Clutter- Appliances like Air conditioners, Music systems,Washing Machines,Food processors or a buy-able grand piano, maybe.Not all houses need to look alike.Right?


4-Armor- School uniforms for male kids ( there is already a mod that adds school uniforms for female kids). A prom dress or better still , a ball gown could be added to a wardrobe in one of the old mansions in point lookout( there can be a quest in the background where someone would send the lone wanderer to recover The Duchess' Ball gown which could be somebody's family heirloom and offer a reward in return)


5-Creatures- Where have all the cats vanished? unlikely they did not survive the Armageddon. If dogs could survive , so can the cats. There could be 2 kinds - Cute and Cuddly domestic cats and the ferocious wild cats. Also if brahmin could have only one head.

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We have radcats, I can add bryan as a follower with the child at heart perk, there will be more clutter and vehicles, probably not to many new kids clothes, and it's an official "Maybe" on the dress.
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