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Random CTDs despite no BOSS errors & bashed patch.


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Hello all, I've recently decided to boot oblivion back up since skyrim's release (so yeah been a while) and went around installing the recommended mods as well as a handful of my own personal choices. I used mod organizer, ran BOSS, made a bashed patch. Saw no errors, for VRAM and performance plugins I use OSR, Purger, and ENBoost which seem to do the job well enough as I can often play without a hitch for extended periods of time. However those periods almost always end with a CTD that isn't reproducable, and although I have had long sessions my latest was for example only 5 minutes before crashing. I often get them while loading into cities after long walks through the forests but I can just as well get one while swinging a mace at a necromancer or casting a spell, it seems to be completely random.


I'm just wondering if anyone could take a look at my load order and see if there's something I missed or some huge incompatibility that I nor BOSS wouldn't have picked up on. Thanks for any replies


load order::



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Edited by bbe
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Ok, let's start, but first:

> Use wrye bash to remove the mods, do not do it manually. So you go into the installer tab and click uninstall from there. So at least you won't have to reinstall everything.

> Remove:


You already got all natural, why would you use natural weather.

> Remove:


They are already bundled in OOO 1.35, hoping you are using that one and not 1.33 or 1.34 beta 5.

> Remove :


Already inside OOO 1.35

> Remove:


You know why. ahah

> Remove: Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul - Knights of Nine.esp
You don't need it if you use the martigen plugin (and you are using it)

> Remove: P1DkeyChain.esp
Causes savegame bloating

> Remove:
Quest Award Leveller.esp
Quest Award Leveller - Battlehorn Castle.esp
Quest Award Leveller - Vile Lair.esp
Quest Award Leveller - Mehrunes Razor.esp
Quest Award Leveller - Knights of the Nine.esp

And sub them all with Aulias.

> Remove one of these:

Alternative Beginnings.esp
Alternative Beginnings - Kvatch Intact.esp

> Remove:
VaultsofCyrodiil.esp and use the version bundled with better cities.

> Remove:
Mart's Monster Mod - City Defences.esp

You use better cities. Better cities adds his own city defences.

Please, read the readme. There are many mods that I do not know and they are probably clashing. I urge you to read the readme. For example, why would use natural water and liquidwater together. Makes no sense.
You have the skyrim approach, add everything at once without reading the stuff. Read the damn readmes.
Edited by Sergio1992
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Thanks for all that, I am using 000 135 but I don't know where I got these addons from seeing as this was all recently downloaded. As far as natural environments + all natural I picked up on it myself last night, I was convinced that natural environments didn't modify weather and only modified, well, the environment :tongue: but some were downright embarassing oversights (natural waters + liquid water...go me)


Everything seems to be in order now so far and the rest of the plugins should not be clashing as I do usually read the readmes but tend to gloss over them for graphic related mods.



Only problem I am running into now is that my previous save CTDs on load if I try to disable Natural Weather HDR.esp. I have removed natural waters without a hitch and would like to keep the other two options (vegetation and wildlife), but can only get back into the game if I keep Natural Weather HDR enabled alongside All Natural. Making a new game does not make me crash but I'd rather keep going with the current save.


Seems to be working now after some fiddling.


Thanks again Sergio1992

Edited by bbe
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