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Thoughts on FO3 Artificial Intelligence.


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I know that AI in general is a very tricky thing but with FO3 it seems to be some times up and some times down.

It is amazing how dumb as a rock npc's can be. The other day my character steps out of a grocery store after getting some needed ingredients and there are 3 talon company mercs, so I get the talk on why I am going to die and I ask them what they are whiting for and as action resumes I take a second to see who I should take out first and they all run to stand behind a intact motorcycle.

Now I have been standing there all this time holding a frag grenade at the ready (I love grenades) and now here are the three stooges standing side by side right behind this unexploded motorcycle about 25 feet away.

Like I said "dumb as a rock". :wacko:

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Sounds more like a scripting bug to me :unsure:

But after combat enhanced the fighting is actually a lot more improved with NPC's. Personality/dialogue is absolute crap save one or two, though. And no mod can fix that unfortunately http://www.the-gladiatorz.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/jade.png

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