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Playable Giant?


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Set scale in the console i take it, or in the editor? :P


In the console, and when the console is opened you have to highlight your character by switching to third person view and clicking on them, then type in


setscale (a space, then any size you want. You must use a "." in the number, such as 1.4 or 0.5 and such.)


setscale 1.4 is what I usually use, but any bigger than 1.1 and you get stuck in stairwells or doorways and I have one character who I play at 0.4, if you think it takes forever to walk somewhere normally, you can only imagine how long it takes at that size.


The best part is that the size doesn't affect combat ability or items. Things automatically resize to fit you.


The little guy in the screengrab is my character Rattus VonRattus (The tiny guy standing on the bar next to the lantern) of the Ugen race mod that I downloaded from one of the Morrowind sites.

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