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epic dlc failure


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so i am needing some serious help with my fallout 3 dlc. i recently decided to re-visit the game after seeing some cool new mods. keep in mind i have allready completed the game and all the dlc, now however, my dlc is missing!!! after trying to re-download it from gfwl, i saw that the files were going to a new directory. and they are not .esp files, so i can't move them to the data directory either! THEY ARE FRICKEN .TMP FILES?!?!?!? WTF??? i can still access operation anchorage and point lookout, but only when connected to live. and since fose dosn't work on live, and my new mods don't work without fose, there really is no point!


i have tried everything i can think of to get back my dlc.


if anyone can offer any assitance at all i would much appreciate it.

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Sure that it is not a corrupted download? You probably need to download it again later...



ive' downloaded it half a dozen times in every way i can think of. its just coming as a .tmp file of 375 mb, which is the right size...something is keeping it from breaking down correctly

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Try turning off any anti-virus you have. I have noticed that, if I download something, it downloads, then Norton pops up and scans it, THEN moves it to where it's supposed to go. So, if something is stopping your antivirus from scanning it, it never gets moved.


Just a thought.

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If it doesn't work, try to set your browser (dunno, think GfWL uses IE) to the default setting. Normaly the temp files are not finalized downloads. They shouldn't work at all.


Good luck

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If it doesn't work, try to set your browser (dunno, think GfWL uses IE) to the default setting. Normaly the temp files are not finalized downloads. They shouldn't work at all.


Good luck



thanks, i can use my dlc, but only when connected to live!...how can i use fose and my dlc at teh same time?

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Move the DLC into your Data folder in the game directory. Use a tool like the GfwL Disabler.


To continue your save games, you'll need to copy your save games



<Start Manu> \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout3 \ Saves \ Your Live Name \



<Start Menu> \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout3 \ Saves \

(one step above the Live name)

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