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Unless you're supremely skilled at setting up animations, yes. AP would be the best mod to copy from when you're trying to figure out how to lock two characters in place and play an animation.


I'll redownloaded AP and see if I can't set up a working garotte script. The art, models and animations somebody else would have to do.

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Uhm.. do I get kudos for a pornorific.. errr I mean terrific idea??
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Ok.. I admit it is not something you'd expect.. but I didn't even really think this up.. it was just a flash of OMG!! i mean I was just thinking of what could work and I just was watching my TV at the same time and a commercial for that new Splinter cell game came on and I saw something like that.. ok.. so I wasn't original.. LOL


But hey... I did come up with a good idea..


BTW. just cause you think something up doesn't mean you can't be a girl. we're not dumb you know.. and we DO play games too

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OMG!! *LAUGHS!* you don't know some of my friends.. and no I'M NOT giving you her webbie.. but just so you know how dirty minded we can be.. one of my friends has a.. uhm.. personal nude webcam site. and you think I'm naughtier than her?? haha


ooh btw.. you don't know the half of it.. *snickers wickedly*

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yes, yes, I know, but that's an unusually dirty mind you have there. Not the one you would expect for a female.



You sound.... inexperienced. :wink:

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No. I'm not. I'm just not used to such blatancy--especially off-topic.


EDIT: let me put it this way. Intentionally being naughty indicates a somewhat dirty mind. Doing it in an off-hand manner indicates a MUCH dirtier mind, and is therefore not something one usually does online, aside from certain sites that shall not be mentioned here lest I get banned.

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