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Annoying Fan Problems


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This is possibly something simple, but I want to ask anyways. I'm trying to remake the "Adoring" fan (Based on a request I saw on these forums I believe) into a female groupie. I figured, "Hey, that should be easy enough to make a basic fighting female fan." But it's not so easy... I clicked the "Female" checkbox, and remade "her" face into something bareable, and even made her an imperial. But then in game, I noticed her armor wasn't the female version. I removed the armor in the CS, and tested, and sure enough, male body with female head. Male voices for combat, no voices for normal conversation (Until I add them in later). If someone wants to explain why I'm getting this problem, that'd be nice. Hopfully it's not hard coded... That'd make no sense. Thanks.
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I don't have a solution for your problem, but a female adoring fan mod has already been made by John Anthony Curran. Maybe you can look at their mod and find out what's happening in yours.






PS - There may be other mods as well, John's is just the first one I found when searching.

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Please stop bumping Link. I deleted your post hoping you'd take the hint. ^^; It is considered as spam around here, unless it's literally been like 1-2 weeks with no replies whatsoever.
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