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A Raiders Morality


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This Is the Character information and general anouncment thread for the RP

'A Radiers Morality'. You can also post what you think of the story so far here, to avoid ruining the flow of the story. Also, feel free to discuss any aspect of the RP here :sweat:




Main topic - http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=200567


Character List


Name: Dave

Played By: Me, Tehbuddha.

Appearance: 5ft 9”, Less-than average build, Shaved hair

Sex: Male

Age: 20

Race: Caucasian

Ethnicity: Raider

Role: Tribe Leader

Weapons: ‘not-so-trusty’ 10mm pistol., combat knife.

Apparel: Raider painspike armour, Raider Wastehound Helmet(during sandstorms/storms).

Strengths: Tactical knowledge, fast, agile.

Weaknesses: Unable to handle weapons with a big ‘kick’(recoil), not very strong.

Personality: Aggressive to all who are aggressive to him and his tribe. Thinks of his tribe as family. Thinks of him self as a ‘survivor’, labelled, wrongly, as a raider.

History: Dave grew up with his brother in a makeshift shack near Ridgefield. It was okay, no-one bothered them because of a rumour that it was haunted. Its wasn’t so bad, there was a water tower nearby, and there was more than enough to eat, mole-rats often wandered past. His brother was a superb marksman, rarely missed a shot. It was as close to paradise as you could get in the wasteland. Then this guy called Arkansas showed up. He told them the water tower was his, he started laying mines everywhere. On one of the usual journeys at night for water, Dave’s brother passed Arkansas, asleep as usual, and headed for the water tower. Dave was in his shack when a gunshot smashed the silence of the wasteland. He glanced out the window to find Arkansas holding the decapitated head of his brother by the hair, shaking it in a taunt. Dave picked up his brothers gun and ran. He ran out into the wastes at the dead of night. After an hour running, he collapsed. He woke to the company of four ravaged looking people, much like Arkansas. They gave him water, and some food and a bed to lie in, although he was in an unknown, rundown barn. He felt at home. Its now eight years after the incident with Arkansas and Dave, after rising through the ranks of his ‘tribe’, And impressing the now deceased leader, he has been named chieftain of the tribe. He has honed his hand-to-hand skills with his combat knife through many years of fighting other raiders. And after overcoming his fear of using his brothers pistol, has found that he is a decent shot. His tribe is neither rich nor feared, but they make do.


Name: Cadeus

Played By: Zephyr Kronos

Appearance: about 6' with dark brown hair. One of his emerald eyes has a massive scar over it so he keeps it covered with a black eye patch about three inches of the scar protrudes on either diagonal of the patch (Upper Right down to lower left side of his left eye).

Sex: Male

Age: 25

Race: Caucasian

Ethnicity: *witheld untill appropriate time in the story*

Role: Lone Wolf

Weapons: three edged WWI trench knife (taken from ruined shop), several kinds of grenades, Barret 98B rifle, Sig Sauer 12mm pistol

Apparel: Dragonskin Tactical Armor (usually black as he mostly operates at night however he has many different arrays of camoflauge that he can apply to it)

Strengths:Ruthless and cunning he hunts his mark with deadly force every trick is employed and no means is too brutal to accomplish his goal

Weaknesses: Consumed by vengeance Cadeus often holds grudges however considering how few people cross him that he doesn't kill right then and there it isn't often overly problematic

Personality: Cold, calculating and reserved Cadeus cares little for others and always looks out for his well being rather than his morals

History: Cadeus has travelled far across the American Wastes, probably from coast to caost but no one knows for certain...

*Extra info witheld untill appropriate time in the story*


Name: Jowan

Played by: N_Stigma

Appearance: Dark brown hair, green eyes. 6" to 7" feet, average build. Has a three scars at his cheek,.

Sex: Male

Age: 28

Race: Human, Caucasian

Ethnicity: Gun for hire

Role: Freelancer\Tribe member

Weapons: two pistols and a sniper rifle

Apparel: Desert camo pants, black hoodie and sunglasses. When a storm arises he uses a gas mask.

Strengths: Knows how to use pistols and sniper rifles. Also knows how to "disappear" after the job is done.

Weaknesses: Isn't much of a team worker. Can't use heavy weaponry (like rocketlauncher, minigun, etc.)

Personality: Calm, likes Nuka-cola. Sometimes acts before he thinks. Those who he doesnt know are expendable to him. "Caps before strangers". Doesn't like Ghouls

History: Living in megaton, he found the art of assassination 9 years ago, at the age of 19. He joined to talon company mercs for a few years, only to find that doing the job is easier alone. After that he started working alone. Now he does every job that he's getting paid from. He lost his ear and got his scar from fighting against enclave, when a deathclaw stuck him. 'It was only a scratch', but it still did quite alot of damage.



Name: Aisha

Played By: Nekochild08

Appearance: http://i381.photobuc...reenShot2-1.jpg

Sex: Female

Age: 12

Race: Caucasian

Ethnicity: Raider/Scavenger

Role: Partner-in-crime with Sasha

Weapons: Assault Rifle, Combat Knife, 5 Frag Grenades

Apparel: Raider Badlands armor

Strengths: Can see in the dark due to mutation (explained in history), small and can squeeze in almost anywhere, good with assault rifles.

Weaknesses: Not very strong, can't kill mole rats (she thinks they're too cute. Often tries to domesticate them.)

Personality: Despite her background, she can still manage a cheerful personality. She's the morale raiser in the

Black Cats duo. Even though she's cheerful, she knows when to get serious which has earned her the reputation of being a 'kitten of death.'




Name: Sasha

Played By: evilneko

Appearance: http://i381.photobuc...reenShot3-1.jpg

Sex: Female

Age: 12

Race: Caucasian

Ethnicity: Raider/Scavenger

Role: Partner-in-crime with Aisha

Weapons: Laser rifle (AER9), frag grenades, knife

Apparel: Typically, raider badlands armor


Strengths: Marksmanship (leads to her preference for lasers), coordination with her sister, and able to see well at night thanks to her mutation.


Weaknesses: Being young and female, she's fairly small and weak compared to other wasteland denizens, along with all the other problems that being a child brings, such as less tolerance for drugs. She also has a thing for teddys. Teddy bears, that is. She has an uncontrollable compulsion to "rescue" any teddy she sees, and will go to great lengths to get it.


Personality: Sasha is the strong one of the pair, having been the one to take charge when their mother disappeared. She tries to maintain a cool and calculating facade while out in the wastes, playing the rock for her sister to lean on, but she's still a young girl, susceptible to fits of melancholy and playfulness as any other.




History (for both sisters) : They were both born a little different from others. Their mother was exposed to a high amount of radiation during a desperate swim across the Potomac River to escape pursuing slavers. While the mother was relatively unaffected, the unborn girls' DNA wasn't. The resulting mutation gave them eyes similar to a cat. While most thought of the girls as freaks and teased them for it, it was actually a beneficial mutation.


The twins grew up not knowing their father, who had been killed by the harsh Wastes long before they were able to remember him. Growing up with only their mother, Aisha and Sasha lived in relative safety for nine years. During those nine years, they were taught how to shoot, how to avoid threats when possible, and how to survive the other harsh realities of the Wastes.


It wasn't long after their ninth birthday that their mother disappeared and the girls were left on their own. They waited for days for their mother to return. On the fifth day, Sasha finally took charge, taking up the laser rifle her mother had taken off a mercenary years ago and leading Aisha out to scavenge. Having only each other to rely on, they learned quickly to coordinate their moves to confuse and defeat their enemies. They knew that they had to fight to survive and Aisha had a talent for close quarters combat and fire suport with her trusty Assault Rifles.


After looting a caravan, the two girls realized how profitable raiding and scavanging could be and from then on made a habit of attacking any merchants and raiders that came close to their claimed home of power station VAPL-58. Over the last three years, they earned the nickname 'the Black Cats' for their night attacks and the shine of their green, feline eyes as they moved in for the kill. Soon the merchants tended to avoid going near the power station, afraid of picking up bad luck. This didn't stop them from getting supplies however, as many slavers and raiders were always itching to get the twins for themselves.


They always keep a stockpile of loot at their home in case of breakage or loss. They defended their power station home with multiple booby traps waiting for anyone trying to get to the girls. Mines, beartraps, and even pitfalls awaited any unsuspecting person trying to get to them. Using the ladder to the roof often, they took turns looking out for possible hits and incoming raiders.


Name: Surn

Appearance:[b/] 6'2", tannish, thin beard, scar running diagonal across mouth right to left

Sex: male

Age: 32

Race: White, 1/6 Native American

Role: friendly lunatic and semi-spiritual guy

weapons: 44. Magnum revolver, dull black metal, except gold plated grip, scratched up badly

Apparel: dull gray with tan mix pants and T-shirt, similar coat, seems to be predominately gray against gray, and tan against tan

Strengths: VERY aware of surroundings, has a 6th sense that works like a metal detector

weaknesses: very difficult to wake from sleep, prone to bouts of depression, afraid of robots and scorpions

personality: often friendly and joking, becomes dead serious during a crisis, hates killing but will do it anyway, has a odd trait of hanging out with extremely dangerous people

History: was exposed to a large amount of radiation before birth, survived, undeformed, but has some odd mutations that effect his mind, he has spent his entire life running the risks, he has hunted down outlaws, and he has slaughtered innocents, he has never been able to justify his actions, but he feels that he has always done what he could, and even more so, what he must.

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