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Dark Things


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"Just this way" an apprentice Scribe tells Simonaefura. He leads you down a hall, takes a door to the right, another right, and then a left. YOu come to the Archives, a massive room with shelves covered in dusty tomes everywhere. The apprentice leads you to the back, where an old man is writing up some papers.


"Yes?" The old man asks, looking up

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"I've been sent on a mission to aid in the removal of vampires in this region, seeing as you are the only one who knows and catalouges any rumors or lore in the area I thought it would be appropriate to inquire you about any information you might be able to give me on the subject. And I must say your archives are extremely well kept and organized, you must be very proud...they almost remind me of home."


Pausing for a moment and looking around she soaks in the atmosphere of the musky archives filled with manuscripts of old. Expressing an apparent loss on her face she addresses the scribe again.


"Well back to business," she conveys, recomposing herself, "so do you have any manuscripts or information on local or regional vampire whereabouts?"

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Seeing that it is getting too late in the day to start traveling, Alenee starts asking around town about the vampires, and the dwemer ruins. Though her maps tell her the location of the ruins, she wants more information before making final plans. Information which, after asking a few shop owners, is going to be a bit harder to find than she would like. Giving up on the citizens, she heads for the Archives. Though she thinks it may cost her a bit of gold in "persuasion" to get access to the most useful information, its a price she's willing to pay.
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"Ahh, yes. Vampire's. about 50 years ago a number of rumors cropped up around them, then they just melted away." The old man paused, stroking his beard. He finally continued after a fifteen second pause. "South. On the Island under us actually. A dwemer ruins on the Northern region is supposedly the headquarters of on clan, and a Shrine to Molag Bal on the southern tip the headquarters of another. That's All I have hear, but you are free to search the books if you like." The man finally finishes. He begins writing again.



When you walk into the town hall and ask for the archives, the Secretary looks very confused.


"Why does everyone want the archives? They are just old books!" she mumbles to herself as she leads Alenee to the room. When Alenne walks in, she finds a large room, covered in bookshelves and dusty old tomes.

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"This information will prove most useful in my efforts," she continues rhetorically, "you said a shrine to Molag Bal? Interesting that vampires would inhabit a Daedric site, though I suppose in the part of the world Daedric worship isn't much of a common practice anymore."


She turns around, looking at the extensive rows of manuscripts and books that line the archive. Scratching her head she wheels and addresses the old man before he can slip away from her. "Might you point me in the right direction of those books you mentioned good sir?" Smiling affectionately towards him.

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