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Lots of Red warning symbols in game


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A few days ago i wiped my fallout, removing all mods, uninstalled the game and reinstalled it. after a first boot of the game i installed new mods, and when i was leaving doc Mitchell's house i noticed a giant red diamond with a exclamation mark in it.

i "disabled" it in the console and continued on when i noticed the same symbol was on easy pete and the shopkeeper guy.

i looked in their inventories thinking all knives where glitched but neither of them had a knife.


Mod list (in order)\/



Project nevada - core

Project nevada - cyberware

Project nevada - equipment

Project nevada - rebalance

t6m equipment replacer










military NV Backpacks

t6m old world blues replacer


Project nevada - (all DLC patches)


military NV Backpacks - vendor script replenish

military NV Backpacks - BumBagSlot1


Modconfiguration menu



I also have (not in the load order for some reason)


.22 Silenced retexture

ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated

BnB body extender compatibility skeleton

Edited by Menacestudios
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What you are getting is a missing mesh error symbol.

You should start your load order with Fallout.esm, followed by the DLCs in order of release, then the various packs. This would be followed by your mod's .esm, then .esp. Loaded in the same order as the vanilla game..

You should also look at T6M Equipment Replacer and insure that the meshes were installed properly.

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In frustration i killed chet, and noticed he had a .357 magnum equiped, when i killed joe cobb he also had one, and im willing to bet easy Pete has one too.


so what do i do now?


how do i fix it?

Edited by Menacestudios
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  • 2 years later...

Hey if this is still a problem I have something to add, I found out two items in my game have this problem, magnums revolvers and knives.


I tested and both Joe Cobb and Easy Pete have revolvers, and in Doc Mitchell's house i had a missing texture come up on the shelf in the hallway, which using console commands found out it was a knife.


There is a settler in goodsprings who usually farms and hangs outside, he has a knife and a revolver.




I don't know how to fix this, so I am going to test getting a specific revolver texture mod and a knife mod to see if that helps.

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Please see the Nexus "Terms of Service" about not resurrecting old threads. The last previous comment was from 2014.


Please see the 'Solutions to Mesh (Red "!" icon) or Texture (solid color) problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


If that doesn't fix your problem, start your own thread with the information requested in the wiki "How to ask for help" article.


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