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Character Picking Menu


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Hello. You know, in most of MMOs such as World of Warcraft, we must choose a charater before starting the game. I want this to be ported into Skyrim.


For example, I have two characters, one orsimer and one dunmer and I have save games for them ofcourse. When I want to continue game, character picking window appears with my two characters with their default armors and weapons(armors and weapons which characters were keeping during saving game). After choosing a character, game ask me to pick a save file to be loaded. Do you know something like this?

Edited by AssassinWizard
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I don't know about an in-game solution for this, but when you use Mod Organizer, you can create profiles. This means you can create a set of mods and local savegames, so you can create a profile for character 1, character 2 etc. So before starting Skyrim you can load the profile you want to use in Mod Organizer and start up the game. It will only load the mods you want to use for that character and the saves for that character.



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