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Hahahaha Good Luck man, that's awesome!


Just yesterday we went to a military camp in the middle of nowhere to learn "Self Defense", Well self defense my @$$ :


It is a program for the Second Highschool Year every student here has to take. Luckily we were taught by the Takavar's or what you call "Rangers", the school told us there we are at the hands of the Army and we'll be treated like soldiers, so we made a big deal over it, though as I said we were the lucky bastards who ended up with the Rangers, which are pretty decent and awesome people for Army(especially the IR Army) people. After around 5 hours of talk and learning how to Open and Close a AKM and how to arm and use a MP4 we were finally given the chance to enter a firing zone with five bullets and an AK47, though the Observents and guards for that part were basijis that made the whole thing harder, wew layed down, put on the helmet and aimed for the dummies 100 meters in front of us. I took me a while to put the bullets in the magazine and then my spanner jammed, I only could fix it in about the time the fat Basiji guy in lead of that part yelled out any1 who is still there in 3 seconds will be arrested, while my friends disarmed the gun and took down their helmets I closed my eye and shot the damn gun which made a lot less noise than I expected, all five shots landed in 2 meters in front of me, Dumb stupid thing... I waited for that thing 6hrs and I totally ruined it, just hope your expectations don't ruin yours...


Good luck, and tell me how it went afterwards!



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