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New modder. Few questions


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you are not allowed to do that afaik! If you use textures/meshes form a DLC you hav to make sure the user of your mod must have these DLCs to use the mod. Sorry

Otherwise you could just coppy all the Dragonborn stuff and make a mod witch is essentially dragonborn for free....


i.e. You cant use the paper lantern for Wearable Lantern unless you have Dragonborn installed because of copyright reasons

Edited by mastabenja
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I have a deer mesh with the eyes out of place and i want to get rid of them. Already painted eyes on the body texture and it looks good.
I've tried to remove their branch but now my deer is invisible in game..
I'm also thinking to hide them with alpha, but i dont know how to add the nialphaproperty correctly. How do i do that?

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It is possible I have done it when messing around with CK (never released it though, and I own all dlc's). All you need to do is recreate the asset inside CK under a esp without loading up the dlc. So grab a bunch of paper and re-copy all the info on your asset and then re-create it in CK. So if its a Vale-Sabercat anything with that ID copy down on paper each and every variable, script, mesh, package, texture and then only use the original mesh and textures (rename the mesh and textures so it doesn't screw up the dlc and re-build any scripts under a different name) and voila got the asset into CK without needing dlc. Oh and your new creature make sure the id is a little different.


I do it this way:




Hope this helped, if you need a more indepth tutorial on how to do it just pm me.


P.S. If your going to do this and release the esp to people,make sure to credit Bethesda for the mesh and texture inside your mod credits for copyright reasons. Also don't do this for quests or big things, that goes against copyright. The only reason you would be allowed to do that is because of animals (since they are already in game and the mesh comes from the base game and the dlc only re-textures them; example vale-sabercat). If you do this for say something that is added from dragonborn specifically like miraak armor THEN it goes against copyright and your not allowed to do it.

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When in doubt contact a moderator, most the time if you use a DLC specific item (mesh/textures) then you must require the DLC. If the deer in question does not appear exactly in the base game then you will most likely need to require the DLC, however if you remake the textures from scratch and use nothing but the mesh from the DLC a moderator may let you not require the DLC.


Contact a moderator, dont get banned for doing something stupid.

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I have decided that my mod will require both Dawnguard and Dragonborn. And maybe I will release a separate optional pack where I remove some of the animals to be compatible only with the base game.

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