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The value of a Millionaire


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As we all know, in Skyrim, it's possible to end up a Millionaire without anything to spend the money on.

But that got me thinking. How much would a million Septims actually be?!


I ran some numbers (Gasp! Math!), and here's a little example I found out:


The most expensive things you can buy normally in the game (so outside of special quest-related situations) are houses.


If you bought every house in the game for their highest price and upgraded them fully, it'd cost:


103000 Septims.

Which is 10.3% of a million.


In other words, with a million Septims, you'd be able to buy every house in the game almost ten times.


So, I ask of you: What WOULD be worth a million Septims?

Edited by Rvanbergen
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I have round about 1.6 million Septims and at least 800.000 in gold ingots and diamonds (that damn Crown of Barenziah!) and I would love to have an opinion to spend this money on something. A whole city like Whiterun or Solitude would be worth it.

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Tens of thousands? The most densely populated city I've seen had at most 50 inhabitants. If we extrapolated from Proudspire Manor being worth 35,000 Septims, the entire city of Solitude, including the Blue Palace, would come to just about a million Septims.
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The game is scaled. If we're talking about what would be worth a million septims, in Tamriel, we have to take the scaling into account. Solitude is a major port, and one of the largest cities in northern Tamriel. It's been compared to Wayrest, which as of the last in-universe census had a population of 45,000.


The cities, as represented in game, are barely forts. In universe, something that size may cost about a million septims. But a Hold Capital it most certainly would not be.

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If you want to scale the population of cities in Skyrim, then the value of a septim should be scaled as well. After all, more people means inflation will climb higher, and a million septims in the Skyrim we know is worth as much as a 100 million septims in a realistic, size-shifted Skyrim. Edited by mlee3141
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