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Is ESO Screwing with the TES Lore


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In the New Update Video about a Patch for ESO coming in Sseptember, i see Creatures and Weapons and things i dont even reckognize from the TES Series. Is Zenimax following the Timeline Lore of TES or are they just putting in things and doing what they want.

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Cool, because im not so good at Lore. :p


Still to those TES Lore Fans who played Morrowind plus Oblivion and Skyrim, are there Creatures and Weapons and Armors and Locations in ESO that arent in the 3 TES Games. I remember People say there was a Town in the Riften area, that is now completely gone and i think theres a Nexus Mod that Restores parts of places that Bethesda dident include in Skyrim.

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Well firstly lore comes not just from the games, but all the content the creators released (books, articles, world maps, ect). Secondly there is far more left in the world then any of the games have touched, I would say we have only perhaps half of the world (not counting that all these games take place in different time periods, many taking places hundreds of years after the last game).


But yes they do use some things not found in lore, and they have remade some enemies to look more "cool and intimidating" and less like their counterparts found in past games. I would personally not consider the MMO to be something you put to much stock into if you want a game steeped in lore you should play Morrowind, a MMO is just for fun and I do not think should be taken seriously.

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Oh, yeah, they've played a little loose with some of the lore alright... The Lusty Argonian Maid is in ESO, when it wasn't printed until the last decade of the 3rd Era... And they threw everything Altmer out the window when they designed Rivendell... I mean Firsthold...


But Lhamea and Medusae have been around since Arena, and I don't see anything in those pictures that contradicts any lore.

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There have been five TES games, not three. Well, five plus all the little side-games like Battlespire and Redguard. I hate it when people act like the series began with Morrowind.


And...yeah. I have no idea specifically what's being talked about here, but they could probably justify almost anything. As TLS says, it's waaaaay before the events of the main series.

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Isn't ESO at the beginning of the SECOND era?

Skyrim is like 200+ years into the Fourth Era..... I imagine some things have changed in those thousands of years.

Approximately 1000 years. So the lifespan of an Altmer. No that long a time for Elves.


That said, I've gone through the videos and I don't see anything that causes any real conflicts.

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