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Texturer for hire


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So, title pretty much says it all, I enjoy photoshopping, and im not terible at it.

So if anyone that has a mod any textureing done, or anyone who wants any re-texture mods made, id be more than happy to help.


heres a little of my work...







They're all sigs from forums iv'e used in the past, and ones ive made for others.

And yes, i do realize that I spelt untouched wrong. That was because the guy who wanted the sig spelt his name wrong. :sweat:


I'll Admit, not all of them are great. Theres a couple I dont like.


Also, I have made retextures for fallout before, but theyre for personal use.

If you really want, I could upload some, but you;d have to ask nicely :teehee:


(Yup, I AM just really lazy.)


I guess i could make sigs aswell, if you wanted that is.

Im starting to do more serious photoshop work, more for the art than for personal use. I'll upload one or two of those once photoshop stops being an arse.

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