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Halp. For some odd reason my interface has gotten a lot bigger. No reason I can find, just changed. Is there a specific place I can edit to change the size or scale of my UI? I have no mods that would edit my UI other than a reskin that was just working a few minutes ago. I even turned off all my mods and it still is large. No issues....just really big.
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Try to uninstall and install again(maybe u have older version 0.10a??)


Full updated. Like I said, worked fine then when I got back on it was just larger. I am finding this odd as I have no clue what is / what has caused this.

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Ok this is really odd. I uninstalled my game and then deleted everything. (Beth folder and all). Reinstalled and still have the same issue. :confused:


Edit: Even after resetting everything did I not realize how stupid I was being. After years of having a DarNUI mod installed, I did not once remember I actually had it. Now I freaked out and deleted all my mods to find out this is just the default UI. I feel like a fool, but I stil can't figure out why Beth would make a PC UI so large. Oh well, crisis averted.

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