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[Mod Request] Reentering cities after "ending".


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i am simply looking for a mod which allows the player to reenter all places he already visited after the story is over, so you can buy some items in the cities or do some quest you didnt finish


of course denerim should be as before the attack of the darkspawn and Lothering may be a enterable village again.


so what do you guys think about this request?

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I'm very interested in something like this too.


I have no idea why I can't do anything after the "post campaign save", for some reason every single area on the map is greyed out and un-visitable except for the party camp. What is the meaning of this?! I hate this! What were those dopers at BioWare thinking!

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Ok, first thing I want to mention is that Yes... I wholly endorse the idea of a mod like this. As I too agree that its rediculous that they close the map off after the end of the game.


I do want to make a comment or two about some of the other parts of the request.

1) Some quests cannot be completed after leaving or completing the area where they were given. While many of them can be, theres a few that cannot.

2) Lothering at least, will remain as it was after the last time that you visited it. with Lothering, its kinda strange, because they talk about the DS attack, even tho they all survived it...which they weren't supposed to have survived, lol.

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While it would be nice to go back and do extra quests post-coronation, i think it would be cool to be able to do quests for the rebuilding of denerim, lothering, mage tower (if you are a mage maybe a quest to find potential recruits), fighting off remnants of darkspawn horde, fighting bandits, finding morrigan, adventuring with leliana, etc. Just ideas but i think there should be stuff you can do, i guess the difficulty comes in with the number of things you could have done leading to the end.


I'm not sure how long a gap there is between DA:O and DA:A but there must be a few weeks to a year.

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jea maybe there can be added something like memorial statue, and only a few people survived like the shopkeeper the innkeeper the "venerable Mom" and maybe 2 or 3 townpeople beside the other "ViP"s in lothering




i think the rebuild of Mage tower Lothering and Denerim iss a goog idea but finding morrigan could be a little bit difficult to hanndle with

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Siyren over on the BioWare forums is working on a mod/expansion that would allow you to do this. I'm not sure about completing quests you didn't finish before the archdemon, but it states it would be about the after effects of the blight. Here's the link if you want to monitor its progress. http://social.bioware.com/project/1496/
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