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Time syncs up with irl?


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I had the idea for a unique mod. I noticed how quickly time would roll by in the game, so what if it synced up with the real time on your computer? I know it sounds like a horrible idea, but I like the idea of having to stay up late to do anything at night, or only being able to do things once in a day, and if you miss it you have to wait until the next day. That combined with removing the wait key sounds like an interesting playthrough to me

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I had the idea for a unique mod. I noticed how quickly time would roll by in the game, so what if it synced up with the real time on your computer? I know it sounds like a horrible idea, but I like the idea of having to stay up late to do anything at night, or only being able to do things once in a day, and if you miss it you have to wait until the next day. That combined with removing the wait key sounds like an interesting playthrough to me

you can sync up time via script. Use some menu buttons for the hour, minutes and am/pm) then set the hour ahead (it's a special glob, GameHour) by the input. But I don't know of any way to make the mod aware of the current time and do it/set it without player interaction.

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