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The Big Bang!


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(Please do not turn this into a religious debate, it is aganist the rules. When answering this debate, that is if you are, answer so in a scientific manner not a religious one. And to all those who love to cause trouble, and make smart remarks, don't. One of my topics has fallen prey to this and is now banned. Do it, and Vagrant0 will hear about it. You've been warned.)13.9 billion years ago(Or so I am told), something happened. Before everything came to be, it was all concentrated into one mass, denser than that of a neutron star. This ball of matter was an exsisting point in the middle of no exsistence, where suddenly, it exploded. BANG! Giving birth to a forever expanding exsistence, full of time, matter, and energy, the start of all we know today, where in only a minute and a half, our universe was the size of our solar system, that is, if it really happened. Most scientists, including the scientific community, believe that this is where the universe began, others say that this is pure fiction. But if the theory isn't fact, then how did everything come to be? Some say that our universe was created by a black hole imploding, insisting that we exsist in the horizen of these vacuum beasts, others are tied to religious beliefs(Which I won't explain since its aganist Nexus rules). However, it is stressed that because the dopler effect is in effect, that something had to be pushing our galaxies apart, and that something fitted the perfect description of the Big Bang theory. But is the dopler effect the only proof, where else can we turn to?
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Is it possible for Barrack Obama's credit card to suddenly show up in your pocket ? No.


Is it possible for something to suddenly exists when there was nothing ? No.


How about the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics ?




And I'm just 13, so forgive me if I'm wrong.


We're not the first dimension, another dimension caused the big bang.

Either that or an invisible sky wizard made us all, I don't really need to know how we came about, although I'm not a fan of being punished by said wizard if I don't pick the correct answer.


I like to believe that the multiverse is either made up of complete order, and through our lack of understanding some things seem like chaos, or complete chaos which forms some type of order at a large level.


I'm leaning towards complete order. So far everything has seemed to have had order.

Think of this for a second, if I flip a coin which head will land face up? You might say it's random, and it is to us, but it's really only based on how hard I flip it, the air resistance, and so on, the outcome is totally controlled by the original conditions.


Lets move that onto the human mind, now, we have free will, for the most part, but how can our minds not work on the same laws of physics the coin works on? You could say we have some type of soul or life energy or some other none-sense but it seems to me that our minds and our ability to reason can be affected by many things in the world, we can be mentally ill, be born with down syndrome, countless things, it seems that our mind and ability to reason is very much controlled by the laws of physics.


Just because a system is amazingly complex does not mean it is not a system, a system is made up by its smallest equations, video games are only a bunch of very simple instructions to hardware which in its grande scale seems to have a purpose.



So lets say we do have free will, then what is that? It's either based on order, in which we have control for the most part but in reality we don't, or it is made of chaos, in which our decisions are not based on the laws of physics somehow, neither of which really make a free choice, flipping a coin is not a free choice and a linear action and reaction does not a free person make, an no mixture of the two can make free will which is not based on randomness or our original conditions.


Interesting stuff.

Hmm, how did I get on that topic? Oh yeah, the big bang, I wanted to point out how that if the multiverse has order then from the very moment the big bang happened, and really before that, it was preordained that we would be making these posts to this forum, as the big bang, well, really what came before it, and before that, etc, was our original condition.


Although I would say this thread is very close to what would be considered a religion thread, but it might not be.

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Very simply. The universe is holographic. Its quantum. Its you.




Now excuse me while i build a banana boat and drive down the niagara falls.



PS: Again since you claim this science here: religion the word in latin alone means universal understanding. Now what is "religious" about that? Peoples mindsets are warped. Thats all.

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Very simply. The universe is holographic. Its quantum. Its you.




Now excuse me while i build a banana boat and drive down the niagara falls.



PS: Again since you claim this science here: religion the word in latin alone means universal understanding. Now what is "religious" about that? Peoples mindsets are warped. Thats all.


This thread is about science and scientific theory, not sarcastic remarks.

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Very simply. The universe is holographic. Its quantum. Its you.




Now excuse me while i build a banana boat and drive down the niagara falls.



PS: Again since you claim this science here: religion the word in latin alone means universal understanding. Now what is "religious" about that? Peoples mindsets are warped. Thats all.


This thread is about science and scientific theory, not sarcastic remarks.


I think forum rules said something about not trolling and spamming.....maybe you should read them again carefully.....besides that some feeling does not leave me that this is a second account


in any case ........*zzzzzz* no actually i think im to tired to repond anymore.........just carry on


Don't start... Just don't. Not sure what you intention here is, but it's probably a good idea to just walk away. Just because you disagree with others being able to talk about subjects which oppose your own beliefs doesn't give you right to cause problems. Continue this behavior at your own risk, and this applies to both of you.


- Vagrant0

Edited by Vagrant0
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Very simply. The universe is holographic. Its quantum. Its you.




Now excuse me while i build a banana boat and drive down the niagara falls.



PS: Again since you claim this science here: religion the word in latin alone means universal understanding. Now what is "religious" about that? Peoples mindsets are warped. Thats all.


This thread is about science and scientific theory, not sarcastic remarks.


I think forum rules said something about not trolling and spamming.....maybe you should read them again carefully.....besides that some feeling does not leave me that this is a second account


in any case ........*zzzzzz* no actually i think im to tired to repond anymore.........just carry on


Don't start... Just don't. Not sure what you intention here is, but it's probably a good idea to just walk away. Just because you disagree with others being able to talk about subjects which oppose your own beliefs doesn't give you right to cause problems. Continue this behavior at your own risk, and this applies to both of you.


- Vagrant0


Hm. All i am saying is there is but you. All is you. You are. No belief involved with that.


Myself building a banana boat was a joke about the mind tending to make stuff up and the niagara falls is simply symbolic for lifes currents itself.


I dont know how somebody can even take offence at that except you somehow take offence at somebody being alive.


Otherwise im out of this thread. There is no intentions.

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@AA: In order to understand the second law of thermodynamics you need to understand entropy. Entropy is a measure of how organized or disorganized a system (i.e the change in rate of transfer of hot or cold within a system). For example as an ice melts in a shot glass with vodka is considered a change in entropy in a positive direction (negative is when something get colder while positive is used when something gets hotter indicating change in energy) because the ice is slowly increasing in energy and the intermolecular bonds that hold the ice structure start to break apart.


The second law of thermodynamics state that the entropy of an isolated system which is not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at equilibrium. This basically means that heat transfers from one system into contact to the next and over time it would be in a state where they are sharing the same temperature. So if that shot glass full of ice and vodka were insulated from outside forces, overtime they will reach equilibrium and will have the same temperature. Hope that will answer your question.

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Hm. All i am saying is there is but you. All is you. You are. No belief involved with that.

All is me, I am, I don't get it, I hope that you have some kind of point to this which is related to the big bang.

It's like me saying "The world is in and of itself for it is", it sounds deep and meaningful to me in the sense that it's hard to understand, but it doesn't seem to really mean anything.


Myself building a banana boat was a joke about the mind tending to make stuff up and the niagara falls is simply symbolic for lifes currents itself.



I dont know how somebody can even take offence at that except you somehow take offence at somebody being alive.



Otherwise im out of this thread. There is no intentions.

What? Otherwise what? Otherwise, if I take offence at somebody being alive?


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@AA: In order to understand the second law of thermodynamics you need to understand entropy. Entropy is a measure of how organized or disorganized a system (i.e the change in rate of transfer of hot or cold within a system). For example as an ice melts in a shot glass with vodka is considered a change in entropy in a positive direction (negative is when something get colder while positive is used when something gets hotter indicating change in energy) because the ice is slowly increasing in energy and the intermolecular bonds that hold the ice structure start to break apart.


The second law of thermodynamics state that the entropy of an isolated system which is not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at equilibrium. This basically means that heat transfers from one system into contact to the next and over time it would be in a state where they are sharing the same temperature. So if that shot glass full of ice and vodka were insulated from outside forces, overtime they will reach equilibrium and will have the same temperature. Hope that will answer your question.

Allright then, I think I understand.


But after we found out the truth, what will change, is there any benefit for mankind ? Don't look at the past, look to the future.

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