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The Big Bang!


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It's entirely off topic here, and is a discussion which is not allowed, but believe hoshi was making a reference to the belief in Maya or some variation of.



I can see how it might be seen as an alternative or even supporting view of the Big Bang within some circles, but is not a discussion we can have here. It is however valid in some contexts since there are certain elements which correlate with some theories in quantum physics. But let's not pursue this one.

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Internet Therapist, and Hoshi, listen to me carefully, DO NOT FIGHT ON MY TOPICS, is this understandable? I am not trying to be an ass, but you two have already caused one of my topics to be banned because you two brought in religious discussions and trolling. I do not accept these into my topics, and I'm not about to let you two ruin another. This is your final warning, if you two do not stop at once, I have no choice but to take immediate action. For more information on this, consult my profile, and I apologize to everyone that it had to come to this. I admit that I had something to do with this, but its you two who couldn't let it go, thanks for destroying what little I have on Nexus, and now I'm the one who has to pay for it.
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Before the big bang was a nihility, but what was before that? Another universe. I have heard physicists speaking about the expansion of our universe is slowing down, wich is a sign that it maybe will colapse one day. Colapse into what? Another black hole, a new nihility. Is this a cyclus, that the universe implode and explode over and over again? And in between there is a change of life can develope?
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Before the big bang was a nihility, but what was before that? Another universe. I have heard physicists speaking about the expansion of our universe is slowing down, wich is a sign that it maybe will colapse one day. Colapse into what? Another black hole, a new nihility. Is this a cyclus, that the universe implode and explode over and over again? And in between there is a change of life can develope?


I've heard about this theory, it's similar to the black hole theory, but on a universal scale, that or I'm getting my theories mixed up.

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I have been mixing up this subject myself, since it is vast and difficult to understand. I read "Hawkings Universe" by Stephen Hawking, and I think I understood some 20 % of the book, LOL.

Hawkings also speaks about those black holes, which are subjects with such a gravity that nothing can escape, not even light. Hawkings states that even time does not exist here :confused: , this is where I am lost.

If that is true in theory, that means there is no time during the so called nihility, just before it all explodes. Does that also mean that time goes faster, or slower, depending on the expanding rate of the universe. What about when/if the universe implodes, does time goes backward then :unsure:

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I have been mixing up this subject myself, since it is vast and difficult to understand. I read "Hawkings Universe" by Stephen Hawking, and I think I understood some 20 % of the book, LOL.

Hawkings also speaks about those black holes, which are subjects with such a gravity that nothing can escape, not even light. Hawkings states that even time does not exist here :confused: , this is where I am lost.

If that is true in theory, that means there is no time during the so called nihility, just before it all explodes. Does that also mean that time goes faster, or slower, depending on the expanding rate of the universe. What about when/if the universe implodes, does time goes backward then :unsure:


Thats just strange; I've never heard of time going backwards. But I agree with Hawking's, time isn't real, at least not here. Time was created by creatures who seek to understand and control the world around them in this universe, when in fact, it wasn't really here, but the fourth demension. The fourth demension IS time, it just feeds into our universe where in a way, it isn't actually here, confusing I know.

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The thing is to slow down and... allow.


“When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes. When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours that's relativity.”

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The thing is to slow down and... allow.


“When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes. When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours that's relativity.”


Ha! I love that. Was that Einstein? I think i read that somewhere before but not sure.

The big bang? I go with the microwave theory.


But whatever you believe pls consider how much matter there is in this universe, and then consider how much energy it must have taken to form what we know exists!

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does time goes backward then :unsure:

According to Psychics , no, even it's something "unreal" it's not goes back because the Universe begins to shrink , this will be something only related to space not to time.

and some scientists disagrees with this 'big crunch" theory.

About the black holes even they are not eternal as they let's scape some radiation and particles from time to time, it called "Hawking's radiation" so after some trillion of year the black holes will face away.

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