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RTS without the village...


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...and without the villagers. Id love to see something that allows the player to build structures, like a fortified player home, anywhere he/she likes, without having to get involved with all the chain smoking RTS villagers, and building them an entire village.


The player would be able to scavenge himself whatever materials he needs, and build it himself. The sophistication of what he can build can depend on his skill levels (a combo of science, intelligence and repair or maybe a new 'Builder' skill). So if your Builder skill is low you can only build a rudimentary shack, but if its high you can make a nicer looking, sturdier structure with turret defenses, or whatever.


Would it be difficult to mod the RTS mod to make this possible?

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Those are useful, but I think its pretty reasonable for an experienced Wasteland Wanderer to be able to build his own home, using the tons of scrap materials that are lying around all over the place.
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I would like to see something like this too. Personally I would love a mix between this idea and what we have now in RTS. My problem is that I want to build a thriving settlement, but a few hours in I want to take a break and go exploring, but I can't because there is always something that needs to be done in RTS. I played for three hours and when everthing was looking good, a pack of raiders came in when I wasn't looking and killed everyone. :confused:


It would be nice to say, have the option to stop RTS completely and come back later or even just build whatever you want by yourself and when you get a big enough town then open it up for new people to join.

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no advancements on taking this idea further?


None that Im aware of unfortunately.


maybe a combo of rts elements and the feng-shui mod.


Yeah, RTS elements for the building of the structure and then something like Feng Shui for placing objects inside would work.

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