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I know this is random but is there anyone in the world that has learned how to mod oblivion on PS3 that I can gain access to their mods because Oblivion is Awesome but its boring after you rule the world or murder it for the 900000000000000000th time. Just wondering if someone has please let me know.
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You can but that would require a hack of your PS3 and thus will void your warranty. Bottom line is that what you are requesting is an illegal action that breaks Bethesda's Rights to Oblivion. Best start saving up for a game computer now.
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Short answer No.


Long answer:

The PS3 was designed to NOT allow you to do things like mods. They intend to control everything about their cute little box. When you first got it, there was a terms that you agreed to before being allowed to turn it on. Essentially what you agreed to was they control what goes into their box. You just get to play with what they approve in the way they allow. Any modification that lets you do anything like mods will void any warranty you have. And, probably get you banned from their web sites for life.


Technically, the file structures are different. Even if you could get one of our made for PC mods into the PS3 it still will not work because the PS3 can not work with the PC file structure, and it cannot be changed.


Yes, there are sites that will tell you how to modify your PS3 so it can use mods. However, it is not a simple process and involves voiding your warranty, and the terms of service you agreed to when you first got the thing. - and risks turning your expensive console into a nice looking paperweight. There are currently very few working mods for Oblivion/FO3 available for the hacked PS3. Also, the hacked PS3 is no longer a PS3 and will probably not play the PS3 games after the hack.


If you want mods, start saving for a good PC - don't get a cheap one.

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