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Fleshy Vines


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I've added some more items to the resource. That head will give me nightmares.


Now, if you really wanted someone to lose sleep over this, find a guy who can animate and get the bits to move: Fingers tapping, eyes blinking..

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What do you still need re textured from me ? Everything is just flying over my head lately ! School is almost over gonna have a lot of free time

I think there was still the Dibella statue. Although, could you use this mesh: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=196387&st=0&p=1713197&hl=dibella&fromsearch=1entry1713197

It's a bit better.


Ad don't worry, man, I do know the feeling. There is some heavy stuff going on at the end of the year. I've still got two final and an essay t do before the weekends out.


Goddamn, Uberman, you are officially so totally awesome. You da bomb!


One thing: I'm not sure. but the rotten arm and leg seem to have their glowmaps or something all hinky: they glow white in actuall light.


Anyway, my god, my throne looks great. I'll upload some pics and endorse when the Nexus lets me!

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