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Item effects from items I don't have?

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Hi guys, my character is still being affected by the Power armor I was wearing in the Operation Anchorage simulation even though i've left the sim quite a while ago. My status page shows T-45 Power Armor like i'm wearing it, but I'm definitely not!!!


Is there any way to remove effects from the armor short of changing the armor's attributes in the geck? I really don't want to do that because there are characters out there using it still...

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It's not normal that's for sure. The only way you can be sure that all the stuff the armor adds is removed from the PC would be to get the armor an put it on an take it off again. Short of some un-known admin debug command which clears the actor effects on the player charicter.


Which in some armors a script is used to apply certian things, in which case the debug command to remove wouldn't work anyway if there even was such a command.


Hence why equipting an un-equiping the armor is the only sure way.

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