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I'm running Windows 8.1 and my mods work just fine (though with occasional crashes, but that's to be expected with how many mods I'm running and I suspect some overheating). What problem(s) exactly are you experiencing?

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I downloaded the Mod Manager program and installed it, I then downloaded a mod and attempted to install it. This it refused to do and gave an error message, I checked and it said would not run whilst in the program file.

I uninstalled the mod manager and reinstalled it this time to my Window file, I then set up the program and again downloaded the Mod once again I get the same error message from the Mod Manager program.

As I run Windows 8.2 I am unable to download to my desktop, I therefor think the Mod Manager is incompatible with Windows 8.2, if you have a work around please tell me.

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Firstly, I have no idea what Windows 8.2 is as Gogle is surprisingly unhelpful on that front, talking as if it's not out yet. Secondly, a screenshot of the error message would really help, but it sounds like your mods can't be placed in the Program File folder(s). If you can't install it to your desktop, try installing it somewhere like My Documents. Also, double-check where the Mod Manager is saving the mods and where it's installing them.

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Never used mod manager, I've used Nexus/Loot/Wrye Bash - but I'm sure I've read or seen something saying not to install Skyrim in Program Files (apparently that's where Steam tries to put it by default).


I've got my Skyrim elsewhere (a Games folder I created), use Windows 8 & have loads of mods installed & working.

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When saving to Windows 8 (if not upgraded) it only allows you to download to a restricted section when installing the Mod Manager, these are all in the program section as I have previously stated and thus it is incompatible, unless you can explain a get around.

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Never used mod manager, I've used Nexus/Loot/Wrye Bash - but I'm sure I've read or seen something saying not to install Skyrim in Program Files (apparently that's where Steam tries to put it by default).


I don't know, I've got Skyrim in Program Files and haven't really had a problem, in fact, I've got NMM installed in the default location, I didn't have to change anything when installing Skyrim or NMM and both work fine. Maybe with a screenshot of the error message it'd be a little easier to figure out what's going on.

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