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Become high king of the Mudcrabs


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Dragonborn arrives at a pond near Morthal(or other appropriate place), and see's a larger than normal mudcrab. The mudcrab has a note attached to it. (mudcrabs can't talk but they can write) The note says something along the lines of betterment of skyrim, epic quest. Becoming the high mudcrab king, etc etc.


The quest is to guard said mudcrab on his epic journey to rid Skyrim of it's foulest inhabitant...Nazeem. The mudcrab isn't essentail so it can fail..which makes Nazeem your friend, But who wants that.


Difficulty will be based around luck, lvl , and what other mods you have installed. And if you kill steal the glory from the mudcrab you'll only become mudcrab thane. (or something like that to encourage mudcrab victory)



Finishing said quest by killing nazeem yourself would make mudcrabs friendly. Finishing the quest by defending the Large mudcrab would give a spell to summon a legion of mudcrab soldiers into battle and make all mudcrabs in the world battle allies.


Had this idea for months, and I've recently deleted the CK from my system , with no plans to bring it back. I also have no knowledge of quest making or scripting. So I decided to leave my idea for someone more capable than I.

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