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Question about LAME load order


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Hi folks. I have a question about the load order of the plugins included in LAME.


I have (had) RAEVWD installed, and this morning I read in another thread that it can really hit your FPS. I didn't know that; I thought the reason for choosing RAEVWD instead of the original AEVWD was to prevent the kind of FPS hit that you take with AEWVD. Anyway, I wanted to try uninstalling RAEVWD and see if it makes a noticable improvement. It's an OMOD so uninstalling was easy enough. I then ran TES4LODGen to complete the removal.


Problem. TES4LODGen crapped out midway and gave me this error:

[00:24] Loader: Fatal: <Exception: "bgMagicEV_Conjuration_for_Supreme_Magicka.esp" requires master "bgMagicEV.esp" to be loaded before it.>


That particular plugin is a patch that lets you run Supreme Magicka alongside LAME and still use the new summons from LAME. The LAME readme states that you need to put this plugin after SM, but it says nothing about the plugin's position in relation to the master for LAME, which is the bgMagicEV.esp. Normally I'd just go ahead and move the plugins around. The thing is, my current load order is the result of BOSS. I realize BOSS is not infallible, and it's wrong sometimes, but I find it hard to believe that it would be wrong about an incredibly popular magic overhaul that half the Nexus uses. And whenever I run it, it puts the LAME patch right underneath the assortment of SM plugins, and the rest of the LAME plugins somewhat further down. I've never had a single problem until just now when TES4LODGen coughed at me.


Any advice?

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All VWD mods hit FPS, but REAVWD is the most optimized (offers the least performance hit.) A patch for two mods has to load after both. BOSS sorts LAME after SM by default, but the order of those two does not matter. I load them the other way around. That conjuration override should only be installed if you are loading SM after LAME. (I do not get how people miss that.) The easiest thing to do is use BOMM to put the SM group to load after LAME if you want that. Otherwise, remove that plugin.
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99.9999% of load order problems/concerns


are removed by running your load order through BOSS


(easily found on Tesnexus}


I don't mean to be a brat, but I don't think you read my post. :)


BOSS sorts LAME after SM by default, but the order of those two does not matter. I load them the other way around. That conjuration override should only be installed if you are loading SM after LAME. (I do not get how people miss that.) The easiest thing to do is use BOMM to put the SM group to load after LAME if you want that. Otherwise, remove that plugin.


That's the thing -- I DO want SM to load after LAME. That's why I'm using the plugin. I did actually read the readme about it. This is what LAME's readme says:


"If you want to have SM's settings for spells (duration, magnitude) and only L.A.M.E's new spells, then load SM last. If you want to have SM's new spells and my settings for spells then load L.A.M.E. last."


That is why I'm loading LAME first. I want the spells from LAME but the settings from SM. I also want the summons from LAME. If I understand this correctly, I should do exactly what I did: load LAME first, then SM, and use the plugin. Am I wrong? That's exactly how I had it set up; the problems didn't start until I used BOSS and it moved stuff to the wrong order. It created a problem where there had been no problem. But I foolishly assumed BOSS must be right so I left it alone.


What I'm confused about is that when I run BOSS, it puts the plugin AFTER SM but BEFORE LAME. I didn't want to move it around because I assumed BOSS knew what it was doing, but evidently it can make errors when it comes to this. I'm going to do as you suggest and use BOMM to adjust things so it's not doing that.


Edited because I get confused easily pre-coffee.

Edited by chaospearl
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simple move that particular esp to your desktop temporarily while you run the LODGEN. then put it back. it has no distance data and is not needed for the lodgen to run properly. i have the same problem with Laviathen soulgems esp.
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99.9999% of load order problems/concerns


are removed by running your load order through BOSS


(easily found on Tesnexus}


I don't mean to be a brat, but I don't think you read my post. :)


BOSS sorts LAME after SM by default, but the order of those two does not matter. I load them the other way around. That conjuration override should only be installed if you are loading SM after LAME. (I do not get how people miss that.) The easiest thing to do is use BOMM to put the SM group to load after LAME if you want that. Otherwise, remove that plugin.


That's the thing -- I DO want SM to load after LAME. That's why I'm using the plugin. I did actually read the readme about it. This is what LAME's readme says:


"If you want to have SM's settings for spells (duration, magnitude) and only L.A.M.E's new spells, then load SM last. If you want to have SM's new spells and my settings for spells then load L.A.M.E. last."


That is why I'm loading LAME first. I want the spells from LAME but the settings from SM. I also want the summons from LAME. If I understand this correctly, I should do exactly what I did: load LAME first, then SM, and use the plugin. Am I wrong? That's exactly how I had it set up; the problems didn't start until I used BOSS and it moved stuff to the wrong order. It created a problem where there had been no problem. But I foolishly assumed BOSS must be right so I left it alone.


What I'm confused about is that when I run BOSS, it puts the plugin AFTER SM but BEFORE LAME. I didn't want to move it around because I assumed BOSS knew what it was doing, but evidently it can make errors when it comes to this. I'm going to do as you suggest and use BOMM to adjust things so it's not doing that.


Edited because I get confused easily pre-coffee.

The way BOSS sorts your LO is fine. It simply does not sort LAME before SM for those who use the other configuration. The best way to go about altering that is to have the SM group load after LAME. I believe the LAME override plugin is part of the SM group. Therefore, when you install the LAME plugin, it is installed below the main LAME plugin. Once you switch the order of the groups, the plugin will be loaded in the proper place.


Temporarily removing the plugin in order to have TES4LODGen finish is simply bad practice. Many aspects of the game are formID sensitive, and altering that LO temporarily while TES4LODGen runs is just asking for trouble. Figure out what is actually going on before doing things like that. That plugin needs to load after both of its masters. Do not ignore errors putting the source of the problem in your face. Ask someone about it, or think about it what it means.



Edit: Also, I was not directing my comment about people missing that particular (loading the conjuration override unnecessarily) at you. I read your post, and your awareness of that was clear.

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And the end result of all this...


Got everything up and running properly, with TES4LODGen completing without errors. You know what? It didn't make a damned bit of difference in my FPS. Not nearby cities, not out in the wilderness, not anywhere in between. Hmph. I'm putting RAEVWD back. I think it's my processor that limits the FPS the most, not my video card.

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And the end result of all this...


Got everything up and running properly, with TES4LODGen completing without errors. You know what? It didn't make a damned bit of difference in my FPS. Not nearby cities, not out in the wilderness, not anywhere in between. Hmph. I'm putting RAEVWD back. I think it's my processor that limits the FPS the most, not my video card.

TES4LODGen should not affect your FPS. When you run it with RAEVWD installed, it is using more complex distant data. It is a GPU limitation. It is up to you to choose the visual enhancement over your FPS. TES4LODGen is just for correcting the distant view according to your entire load list, as many mods do not include DLOD files.

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And the end result of all this...


Got everything up and running properly, with TES4LODGen completing without errors. You know what? It didn't make a damned bit of difference in my FPS. Not nearby cities, not out in the wilderness, not anywhere in between. Hmph. I'm putting RAEVWD back. I think it's my processor that limits the FPS the most, not my video card.

TES4LODGen should not affect your FPS. When you run it with RAEVWD installed, it is using more complex distant data. It is a GPU limitation. It is up to you to choose the visual enhancement over your FPS. TES4LODGen is just for correcting the distant view according to your entire load list, as many mods do not include DLOD files.


Yeah, I know. The reason I was running TES4LODGen was because I had just uninstalled RAEVWD. I was hoping that uninstalling RAEVWD would help my FPS some, but it didn't. No change. So I'm putting it back, then I'll run TES4LODGen yet again. I see no reason not to have it, if it makes no difference to FPS on my machine. I've got a bottleneck somewhere and what I really need to do is either run fewer mods or get a better machine. I refuse to do the former and I can't afford the latter, so I'm just gonna have to quit complaining about the FPS. The game's not unplayable by a long stretch.

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