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Req Mod Night-eye Change


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I was just wondering if someone could make a mod for the night-eye spell so that it does not have that horrible blue effect. A mod that would just brighten things up a bit with out any color effect added. And I had an idea for another mod...a spell that causes unconsciousness (not sleep), sort of like when an immortal NPC is knocked unconscious. I don’t know if there should be an aggression issue or not once the target wakes up. Anyways just and idea.
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You can create a new light source that is mostly whitish and then apply it to the night eye effect through the spells list.


I don't mind the blue...

its the nuclear green that makes me angry.

Huh? What did you mean by that? Anyway I think I am using a different version that makes the colour reddish and reverses the light. If you can send files through pming should I send it to you or would you like me to e-mail it to you?(pm the address though)

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