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Taking Dead drop order#6 freeze game when opening inventory


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So here's my problem :


A freeze when opening the inventory : can't hear music, move my character, open the menu/console.

I managed to find the source of the problem after some times : the dead drop order 6.

If I take it and the open either the inventory/map/magic menu/.... the game freeze...

Without it I can play hours without any problems.


I even tried to do the Q without opening the inventory and took the 7th dead drop order but when I open the inventory there my game freeze again.

Any idea beside "forget the db quest" to solve this problem would be welcome, thanks ;)


EDIT1: Don't know if it may be related but I didn't accomplished the 5th mission myself : I took the 5ft dd order and quite a few minute after that got a message telling me that it was done. (target probably killed by mob).

I'm also doin a defrag (even I don't really see how that could help x)

(Although thought about advancing the quest stage by using console command instead if taking the 6th dd order, will try that after the defrag)


EDIT2 : defrag done, still the same thing

dd order6 added with console cheat, again a nice freeze while opening inventory

Will try to advance quest stage with console


EDIT3 : worked fine using "setstage Dark14Honor *stage*" then "setstage Dark15Coldest *stage*".

Still freezin after closing inventory this time~~~

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So here's my problem :


A freeze when opening the inventory : can't hear music, move my character, open the menu/console.

I managed to find the source of the problem after some times : the dead drop order 6.

If I take it and the open either the inventory/map/magic menu/.... the game freeze...

Without it I can play hours without any problems.


I even tried to do the Q without opening the inventory and took the 7th dead drop order but when I open the inventory there my game freeze again.

Any idea beside "forget the db quest" to solve this problem would be welcome, thanks ;)


EDIT1: Don't know if it may be related but I didn't accomplished the 5th mission myself : I took the 5ft dd order and quite a few minute after that got a message telling me that it was done. (target probably killed by mob).

I'm also doin a defrag (even I don't really see how that could help x)

(Although thought about advancing the quest stage by using console command instead if taking the 6th dd order, will try that after the defrag)


EDIT2 : defrag done, still the same thing

dd order6 added with console cheat, again a nice freeze while opening inventory

Will try to advance quest stage with console


EDIT3 : worked fine using "setstage Dark14Honor *stage*" then "setstage Dark15Coldest *stage*".

Still freezin after closing inventory this time~~~


Is this a mod you're talking about? If so, check the discussion forum for that mod and see if anyone else is having the same problems. It may be the mod. Ask the creator and see if they can help you. Hope you find out what's going on. I hate it when I'm in the middle of a mod's quest and it goes wacko on me. It's usually something I didn't install right though. I'm a goof like that. Maybe you messed up the installation? Have you tried uninstalling and then reinstalling the mod?

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At beginning I was looking for some help, but without answers I kept searchin forums for any idea to try solve this problem, without any result.

My game was heavily modded and no conflict where reported with "the vanilla quest" in OBMM.

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