Rokudou Posted May 11, 2010 Share Posted May 11, 2010 Hey guys, I'm experiencing CTDs when I leave certain doors (the most annoying being the main gate of Megaton, and at least one door in Super Duper Mart) and I'm fairly sure it's a mod problem. I'm kind of new to load orders, so could someone give this a look through and see where I'm doing it wrong? Thanks! Fallout3.esmAnchorage.esmThePitt.esmBrokenSteel.esmPointLookout.esmZeta.esmCrossModData.esmHairPack.esmCALIBR.esmEnhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm20th Century Weapons.esmGlobaltravelsystem.esmGTSEssentials.esmRRCompanionVault.esmAgeBasedBodys.esmStreetLights.esmberniecompanion.esmbrookecompanion.esmAnimy_prostitution.esmDCInteriors_ComboEdition.esmSharing and Caring Companions.esmRR5MoreMales.esmRR5MoreFemales.esmProject Beauty.esmxCALIBR.esmRRGuards.esmWeight.espTonibiatch.esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Vendor).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Containers).espRR_Refurbished.esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Vault 101).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (NPC_Settler).espRR Companion Vault 20thCW Supply.espRR Companion Vault Attackers.esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (RivetCity).espZombie Apocalypse.esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Raider).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Slaver).espProject Beauty- Broken Steel.espProject Beauty- Point Lookout.esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Chinese Ghoul).esphair_add_npc.esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Talon_Regulator).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Brotherhood_Outcast).espStreetLights - Wasteland.esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (TEST Container).espFellout-pipboylight.espCALIBRxMerchant.espDIM CUSTOM RACES V2.espSprint Mod.espScout Outfits.espbzArmour-nude.espJessiCompanion.espKelseyCompanion.espDriveableMotorCycle.espOverhead3PCamera.espSCC - Talk to Anyone.espSniperZooming.espMiniHideout.espRRWastelandPosters.espRRUmpaDance.espThe Groovatron_DLC_Anch_Addon.espThe Groovatron_DLC_Pitt_Addon.espThe Groovatron_DLC_PL_Addon.espTailor Maid.espTailor Maid Anchorage.espTailor Maid PITT.espYoko'sOutfits.espTailor Maid Black Retex.espTailor Maid Brokensteel.espTailor Maid ZETA.espArcade'sNightwear.espArcIndNightwear_NonReplacer.esp3EFdrg.esp1 Camon's SS Outfits Version 2.espDIM TYPE3 conversions.espsunglassescollection.espEVE.espEVE Operation Anchorage.esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (SuperMutant).espCUSTOM RACES.espS.T.A.L.K.E.R. MOD.espF3UmpaAnimation.espEnhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.espEnhanced Weather - Radioactive Rain and Snow Plugin.espEnhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.espEnhanced Weather - Sneak Bonus during Storms.espFellout-Full.espFellout-Anchorage.espFellout-BrokenSteel.espFellout-PointLookout.espFellout-Zeta.espJHBCustomRace.espAPReanimated.espRebeccaV4.espGeo_The_Hero_Race.espGeo_The_Hero_v1.1.espExistence2.0.espRoachToZombie.espZombie Apocalypse - Point Lookout.espZombieHuntinSupplies.espxCALIBR_override.espGTS - Military Base.espGTS - San Francisco.espGTS - Cathedral.espGTS - Arroyo.espGTS - Toxic Caves.espGTS - Klamath.espGTS - The Den.espGTS - Ghost Farm.espGTS - Redding.espGTS - Modoc.espGTS - Vault City.espGTS - Broken Hills.espGTS - New Reno.espGTS - Vault 13.espGTS - N.C.R..espGTS - The Glow.espGTS - Vault 15.espGTS - Junktown.espGTS - Necropolis.espGTS - Gecko.espGTS - The Hub.espGTS - Boneyard.espGTS - Brotherhood.espFallout 1+2 All Locations.espGTS - Navarro.espGTSPointLookOut.espGTSThePitt.espBloatfliesToGhouls.espAntsToGhouls.espMirelurksToGhouls.espRadscorpToGhoul.espDCInteriors_DLC_Collectables.espThe Groovatron.espBC Cloths.espRR Companions - Elrawiel.espRR No Vault 1 Protectrons.espEnable All Hair and HeadParts.espCamon SS Outifit.espSexy_Nurse_TYPE3.espMicroBikini_recolour.espthongpack.espDark_Temptress.espCSwimsuit_and_Harness_recolor.espMicro Bikini and more recolors.espK2Clothes_TartanMinis04.espAzarGypsyOutfits.espAzarGypsyOutfits_Malika.espAsharasFormalClothing.espbzArmour.espbzBodySuits.espbzFatigues.esp Total active plugins: 154Total plugins: 159 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fap6000 Posted May 12, 2010 Share Posted May 12, 2010 I would sure, but it would take me 2 hours to point out all the problems. Let me put it this way, that load order would take maybe 3 weeks working 8 hours a day, everyday, just to get it near conflict free. You're going to need a FO3 edit merge patch, from all the lists that are being nuked in your current load order. The actual order of them stinks too. Sorry wish I could help. Even if you knew how to fix it with FO3edit I wouldn't advise it, because of the workload. But heh who am I to stop you from learning stuff. Check into the FO3edit guide by CSB @ Then for future reference, something as broad as this is best built a few mods at a time, then fixed a few at a time, then FO3edit merge patch, then cleaning, then master update, then a nice long test game before the next set of install, fix, merge patch, clean, master update, an more testing. Split up that 120 hours of work... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fonger Posted May 12, 2010 Share Posted May 12, 2010 I'm kind of new to load orders, so could someone give this a look throughThat's exactly why a gifted modder created BOSS available on Tesnexus for Oblivion and on FO3Nexus for Fallout 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rokudou Posted May 12, 2010 Author Share Posted May 12, 2010 All I can say is: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Followed by: Thanks. Eh, I didn't know it would be /this much trouble./ Mostly I just used that beta sort feature that FOMM has (obviously it wasn't helping much). Then I got BOSS, which didn't fix anything. Meh. I dunno, I was hoping there was like a master rule or something I could follow, ie Fallout.esm followed by DLC followed by weirdshit followed by outfits or whatever. Guess not, lol poo, this game had better be worth it again once I'm finished with this >:( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fonger Posted May 12, 2010 Share Posted May 12, 2010 I dunno, I was hoping there was like a master rule or something I could follow, ie Fallout.esm followed by DLC followed by weirdshit followed by outfits or whatever. Guess not, lolsounds like you downloaded 50 mods then installed them on one night instead of adding as you go, testing along the way Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rokudou Posted May 12, 2010 Author Share Posted May 12, 2010 I dunno, I was hoping there was like a master rule or something I could follow, ie Fallout.esm followed by DLC followed by weirdshit followed by outfits or whatever. Guess not, lolsounds like you downloaded 50 mods then installed them on one night instead of adding as you go, testing along the way Haha yeah, that's about right ROFL Guess I shouldn't do /that/ again :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fap6000 Posted May 13, 2010 Share Posted May 13, 2010 Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeit boyyyyy, there's 150 mods there easy... Ain't nothing wrong with that. The thing is that it takes 3 weeks to fix that many in one sitting, 8 hours a day too. Like I said there's nothing wrong with that if you can handle that much fixing. There isn't any quality control though, so there's nothing that says at the end of the 3 weeks of fixing that it will even work. In fact with that amount of data being changed/fixed all at once there's more chance that a landmine somewhere will go off creating a mass of coruption across the whole load order, just from the 2000 fixes. Nowdays I'll install a few at a time, then fix it with FO3edit, FO3edit merge patch, fix the merge patch, FO3edit cleaning, FO3edit masterupdate. Then spend a lot of time testing an having fun before I do anymore work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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