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Another DarN UI problem, but different!


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I don't know if anyone can help, but I have encountered a new weird thing once I installed DarNified UI 11 + Hotfix.


I have Fallout 3 GOTY on Windows 8.1, 64 and have created a seperate folder specifically for my games.


I have followed Gophers vids on Utube (kudos to him!! :thumbsup: ) and have FOSE, FWE, FOIP, Project Beauty, Unofficial Patches, Fo3Edit and a few minor esp's. (didn't install MMM as not my thang).


I have checked my load order using FOIP on NMM and everything seems to be OK. :dance:


When I play, DarN UI (launched through FOSE) I know I have a resolution problem, which can be easily adjusted :thumbsup: , but the problem I'm having is ingame. When I level up I can add my points, hit A, then as soon as I add my perk and hit A, the UI freezes and the only way to get out of it, is to hit CTRL ALT Delete and exit the game (just says Fallout 3 is not responding).


I tried un installing and deleting DUI, then restarting from a previous "clean" save, but the DUI logo is still in the bottom left corner and the game still freezes when I level up.

I also tried re installing DUI, but still getting the freezing problem. Now I can't see the wood for the trees!! LOL :confused:

I've also scoured the forums etc and can't find anyone with the same problem. :ohmy:

I hope someone can help me with this, as I would really like to use DUI as it looks sooooo cool.


Thanx in advance peeps!! Ju



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Here is some information I hope will help :-


Windows 8.1 (tower pc)

Processor AMD A10-5700 APU with Radeon HD Graphics 3.40 GHz

Installed memory (RAM) 8.00GB (7.90 usable)

System type 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor


Game path :- Local Disc (C:)/Games/Bethesda Softworks/Fallout 3


Using Nexus Mod Manager (0.51.0) Launch game through FOSE


Load order (plugins tab) :-








Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm



Project Beauty.esm

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm

BobbleHead Collectors Book.esm


Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.esp

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp

Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp

Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty (Followers Enhanced).esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Point Lookout.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Mothership Zeta.esp

DIM TYPE3clothesRETAIL.esp



Tenpenny Tower true peace.esp


Megaton bomb.esp

Megaton Walkway.esp




I originally had DarNified UI 11 + Hotfix at the bottom of the load order, but have since uninstalled it. I still have it on my desktop though.


I also have installed (Mods tab) :-


Fallout 3 Re-Animated - Release v0_22

Fallout 3 Re-Animated - Idle Revisions2 - Fixed

The Bradbury Hotel - The Bradbury Hotel

Fallout Stutter Remover - FSR_4-0-7

Fallout 3 Stutter Remover Update

Complete Vault Girl Interface - Vault Girl - V2

Official Fallout 3 Patch 1_7 - Fallout3_1_7_English_UK

FOIP - Project Beauty and FWE -4968



I also have FO3Edit installed on my pc, but do not have BOSS or LOOT.


I hope this helps and I've not got a bit carried away with the information.


Thanks again. Ju

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Move StreetLights.esm to load between ThePitt and BrokenSteel.


Disable and uninstall FWE-ProjectBeauty(FollowersEnhanced), you don't have Followers Enhanced. Actually you should check Blackened http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/18173/? for patches. Use them instead of FOIP. The FOIP patches are very particular about which version of the main mod you are using. They will only work with the version specified on the FOIP page.


If the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch is not the Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch, disable it, delete it and get the new one.


The mods showing installed in the MODS tab should show in your load order, except the FSR, FOSE and Official Fallout3 Patch. The Official Fallout3 Patch cannot be installed with NMM, it is an .exe file.


By the way, neither FOSE nor FSR can be installed using NMM.


You did not mention having DarNUI Support for FWE installed. This and DarNified UI require FOMM or manual installation.


If you are having any resolution problem, something did not get installed properly. Do you mean general screen resolution or the resolution in the Pipboy?

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wow and WOW.......thankyou so much for the help, I will try the things you suggest in the order they were suggested, that way I can try them one by one and see what happens.

The screen resolution I mentioned is general as my screen is 1920 - 1080 and I think that's way too high for Fallout 3.


Once again a HUGE thankyou. Once I have tried these options I will get back to you and let you know the results.


Ju :)

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Hi again M48A5.


Here's an update of what I have done so far.........


I have disabled and uninstalled Project Beauty (followers enhanced) silly me not noticing that one DOH!!

I did originally install FOSE, FSR and Official Fallout 3 Patch via my desktop on a manual install. (FOSE and FSR by following Gophers instructions on UTube)

I did go and look at Blackened on the Nexus, but the only version I could find with the mods I have installed was FWE + Project Beauty OLD and as I do not have EVE or Marts Mutant Mods I did not use the other versions.

So I uninstalled FOIP and installed Blackened FWE + Project Beauty OLD.

I already had the latest version of the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch 1.6.1 (which was the Update, but I uninstalled and reinstalled it just in case).

I installed FOMM, and then installed DarN UI a11 + Hotfix through FOMM following the instructions and it installed perfectly. It now shows up ingame as it should with lovely small icons!!

I found the support for DarN UI and FWE and followed the instructions through FOMM.

I also tried DarN "step 4" and dissabled every mod and just ran GOTY with only DarNUI, but still the same problem, I now have a lovely looking UI which gives me better imersion in the game but it still freezes when I try to add my perk. (Level 24)

I do thank you very very much for your help, and hope that I can eventually find a solution to my problem.


Thankyou Ju



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