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PandaBeA banned.




Reason for the ban



lol i have no idea how to do what you asked



hit printscreen while you are navigating to your Skyrim folder in Windows Explorer.



i know how to take a screen shot its the linking that confuses me



go here: http://imgur.com/ and CTRL+v while focused on that page


then hit upload, link the result in chat



what folder did you want again?



You can either right click the image and copy link URL or copy and paste the address.



sorry if im being difficult





er...one folder up, not Data





the file is there....



nah man, one folder up





oh ok





Why do you have different exe versions?



probs... cuz its bootleg



But you have steam too?



yes... it automatically connected it but it doesnt show up in the library

Buy the game.


If you can provide proof that you have indeed purchased the game, any unban appeal may have a better chance of reinstatement.


Relevant ToS entries:


We have a strict anti-piracy policy and we take a proactive and preemptive stance on anyone who gives us reason to believe is using a pirated version of any game or software. We only support official game versions and users should not provide help to others requesting help with unofficial game versions (e.g. cracked games). If your on-site activities provide us with sufficient evidence that you are a software pirate then you will be instantly banned. If you ask for help with a cracked game then your posts or topics may be set to hidden or deleted, and persisting to ask for help with your cracked copy may result in your account being banned.


More information on our anti-piracy policy can be found on our forums.


Unban appeals

Banned members may appeal their ban by using the unban appeal form. You should note, however, that the processing of the unban appeal may take some time as at least three members of the staff need to vote for either reinstatement or upholding the ban before the final verdict is delivered. It can take anywhere from hours to days. Unban appeals from banned members who decide not to wait for the verdict and create a new account will be automatically rejected without any further options to appeal, and the staff will make every effort to ensure that they are blocked from using Nexus permanently.


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